"I am becoming more human so, yes, I suppose that it was. My body, vessel, whatever this is, was trying to stop my heavenly host from overcompensating itself so it lost consciousness. I guess you could compare it to not eating for a couple of days. I do not have enough Grace to function properly."

Sam nodded trying to understand. He looked more concerned than he had before, and Castiel supposed he had the right to be, they were practically family. Sam would surely mourn for his loss if something were to happen to him.

"Well I guess we need a plan then," Sam said, interrupting Castiel's thoughts.

"For what?"

"To get you your Grace back. I can tell you're not going to last much longer if we don't do something."

"I already tried telling your brother this would be difficult. You would have to communicate with Metatron again, and in my state I can't be too much help," Cas explained.

"We'll figure something out. We always do," Sam assured him.

"Who wants some grub?" Dean asked walking into the room with three plates balanced on his arms.

He slid a plate to Sam, and then one to Cas, and Dean then sat down with one of his own. There was an omelette along with some toast. This was probably the healthiest thing Castiel had seen Dean make. And it looked delicious. Cas took a forkful and then froze.

"Something wrong, Cas?" Dean asked.

"I'm hungry," he answered.

At first Sam and Dean were confused but then the realization hit them. They hadn't even thought twice about Castiel eating being a bad thing. It just goes to show how human Cas already seemed.

"What does this mean, Cas?" Dean asked.

Cas didn't want to look at either of them, so he just stared at his fork instead. He knew exactly what this meant. And he also knew how much danger he was in. This wasn't good.

"It means I'm human," Cas answered. "My Grace is gone. I am a human again."

Dean dropped his fork and Sam just stared at him. Cas felt ashamed. He shouldn't have been using all of that power. He knew he was running low but now he was running on empty. He only had so long until he would become ill. And then he would die.

"Cas, if I have to rip that motherfucker's throat out to get him to give you back your Grace, I'll do it," Dean said.

"I think the days of diplomacy have ended," Sam agreed. "How can we get him down here?"

Cas thought for a moment. He could no longer communicate with his brethren so that option was out. How else could you find an angel?

"We'll have to summon an angel," Cas answered.


Sam was rummaging through a room in the bunker, thankful once again that The Men of Letters were so prepared. He had a list of items Cas had written for him in one hand and a bag full of ingredients in the other.

Sam was worried about the angel, well the used-to-be-angel. The way he had gone unconscious last night...

Sam almost felt like the entire ordeal was his fault. He was the reason that Cas had been using up all his Grace lately. First Cas had carted him off to some strange island and then he had to go stash the First Blade to prevent Dean from finding it. After that he had to come back to get Sam and then go to the blood bank so they had blood to cure Dean.

And that was the other thing that had been on Sam's mind lately. He was happy his brother was okay and cured but something seemed off with him. And Sam had a feeling it had something to do with Cas. Last night at dinner, Dean had been wondering where he was, and Sam hadn't given the angel a second thought. Cas was always zipping around and Sam didn't find it odd that he wasn't there. But Dean did. And then, when they found him unconscious, Dean insisted that Cas stay in his room even though they could have lied him on a couch.

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