~dery, yuta, doyoung,jeno, mark

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littles: dery, yuta, doyoung, jeno, mark
caregivers: hyuck, jaemin, taro, yangyang


"dadaaa! dery a-an neno come today!" mark screamed, running through hyucks door and jumping onto the sleeping figure.

haechan groaned and rolled over, opening his eyes to be met with mark lying next to him, eyes sparking as he giggled.

"hi baby. is yuyu awake? do you wanna help me get him up?"

mark nodded furiously and hopped off the bed, taking hyucks hand to lead him into the other littles room.

"yuyu up! neno an' dery coming! yuyu get up!" he said very, very loudly.

yuta rolled over and looked at mark who was a giggling mess as he shook yutas arms.

"gentle, markie~" hyuck said, trying to lift the older off the bed.

"dada..! " yuta whispered, smiling as shotaro walked into the room.

"good morning my little prince. did you sleep well?"

yuta nodded as he cuddled into his caregivers arms.

back in the hallway, hyuck was heading towards doyoungs room to get him up as well.

he entered the room to see the already awake little who was sitting on his bed with his bunny in his arms and his favorite book to read when he's in headspace on his lap.

"goo' mowning dada" the little said politely, giggling as kisses were placed on his cheeks.

"good morning precious one. you ready to see neno and dery?"

doyoung nodded happily and waddled out of the room behind his caregiver.

over in the kitchen, just as shotaro set yuta down, a knock was heard and the littles all looked towards the door.

hyuck opened it and greeted the four boys standing on the other side.

jeno and hendery, who were accompanied by jaemin and yangyang, ran in and hugged their friends.

"hihi! e'cited!" jeno said, giving the others a big smile.

"we go pway now! follow markie!"

the five littles eventually ended up on the living room floor, toys surrounding them.

they played for about an hour before they started getting sleepy, the caregivers noticing and heading into the room.

"are you boys getting sleepy?" hyuck asked, jeno getting worried that him saying that was a sign for them to leave.

the little looked at the caregivers and started to tear up and he was lifted into jaemins arms. 

"what's wrong, baby? why are you crying?" jaemin asked.

"n-no wan go home...neno wan take nap hewe.." he said, tears rolling down his cheeks.

haechan looked over at jeno and took him into his arms, the caregiver smiling once the little stopped crying.

"you don't have to go home, little one. you can take a nap here with the others, don't worry." he said reassuringly.

jeno nodded and pointed towards where mark was running into his room.

hyuck, followed by the other caregivers, followed the littles into marks bedroom and watched in awe as they all laid down and cuddled up with each other.

hendery and yuta, who were practically on top of each other, were already fast asleep, doyoung and mark waiting for jeno to be laid down in between them.

within seconds it was quiet, the only sound being the soft snores coming from the littles.

"oh my god they're adorable-" yangyang whispered, wiping away fake tears from his eyes.

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