twenty five

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Ten years later...

"James stop running in the house!" Theo tells her son

Yes her son. A lot has happened the past few years. Kendall and Theo got married on their third anniversary. They had their first son when Theo was twenty four and Kendall was thirty one. Then two years later they had a baby girl.

"James Hadid-Jenner please stop running" Theo begs

Their son had just turned four and he is wild. And here's the thing, he only listens to Kendall! He will listen to the Theo only when his mama is there.

Theo entered the living room and saw her daughter playing with her toys

"Hi Ivy" Theo greets her toddler

Kendall thought it would be cute if they named their kids after the same initial of their aunt's names. So James for Jelena (gigi) and Ivy for Isabella. And of course they bursted into tears when they told them.

Kendall entered the house and kids ran towards her

"Mama!" the kids yelled

"Hi my babies, i missed you guys so much" Kendall tells them as she hugs them

"Were you guys good for mommy?" Ken asked the kids

"Yes" James replies

bullshit. Theo thinks

The kids ran off and went to play while Kendall greeted her wife

"Hi Angel" Ken said

"Hi my love" Theo replies as she kisses Kendall

"How was work?" Theo asks

"It was really good" She replies

Kendall has done a lot the past few years. She had started her own tequila company and it did amazing! After so much success she started making new products of alcohol. She still models as well but not as much as she used to. Mostly focusing on business products.

Theo had also done a lot of work. After the success of Euphoria she started doing more acting gigs. She mostly did movies, now she's actually a director of a new show coming out.

"My sisters are on their way" Theo told her wife

Bella is currently pregnant, she found out last month. The guy she was seeing was really nice and Theo couldn't be more happy for her sister. Gigi was also doing well. Zayn and her didn't work out but they are still amazing co-parents. Gigi is also seeing someone at the moment.

Suddenly they hear people at the door

"Hey bitches!" Bella yells and Theo rolls her eyes

"Please no cursing in front of our children" Ken tells Bella

"Sorry" Bella laughs

Gigi and Bella walk in the house with Khai behind them. Khai was now ten years old.

"Hi aunty Theo" Khai smiles

"Hi baby, i missed you" Theo tells her niece

"What about us?" Gigi asked

"I guess I missed you guys" Theo shrugs

"Rude" Bella glares at her

Everyone gathered around for dinner and enjoyed their time together. This is what Theo dreamed of for so long, a big happy family.

"So I have an announcement" Theo says suddenly and everyone looks at her

Theo stands up and looks at everyone

"I'm pregnant" She tells them

Her sisters ran towards her and gave her a huge hug

"Oh my god we're going to have a baby around the same time" Bella squeals

"I'm so happy for you guys" Gigi adds

The girls look towards Kendall and see her crying. Theo walks towards her wife and gives her a hug

"Mama why are you crying?" James asks

Kendall looks at her son and smiles

"I'm just really happy" She tells him

Theo kisses and Kendall and stays in her arms

"Girl your hormones are crazy and you aren't even the one that's pregnant" Bella laughs at Kendall

"Shut up Bella" Theo hushes her sister

Theo looks up at her wife and smiles

"I love you Ken"

"I love you too Theodora"

hey guys! i'm so sorry for not posting in such a long time, i had a lot going on but i'm doing better now. i just wanted to say i will no longer continue this story i just lost touch with it. but i wanted to give you guys an ending! i might continue my other book so please check it out! thank you for being so supportive<3

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