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The past few days I've been hanging out with my sisters because I was gone last week. Kendall and I really haven't talked lately because she's been so busy. I'm currently posting another YouTube video while Bella does my hair.

"Hey have you talked to Ken? I tried texting her a few times but she won't answer me back" Bella asks

"No I haven't" I lied

"She did tell me she is going to be busy this week"

"Oh alright" She says

As soon as Bella asks that Kendall calls me and Bella sees and answers it herself

"Hey Ken you call my sister but not me" Bella says rudely

"Oh hey Bells sorry I've been busy" Kenny says

"Then why call my sister" she asked

"Oh um I was just gonna tell her that I took one of her shirts on accident" She lies

"Oh I see" Bella says still mad

"Hey Ken thanks for letting me know I'll go pick it up later" I say

"Ok well bye guys" Kendall says

"Better text me back bitch" Bella says then hangs up the call

This girl

"Bella what the hell" I yell at her

"What? I miss her and she won't even text me back" She says

As the day went on I eventually finished all my homework and decided to call Kendall back

"Hey Ken, I'm alone so Bella won't yell at you again" I say

"Hey baby, and thank god what is up with her" Kendall asks

"I don't know probably on her period" I say

Kendall, Bella, and G have been friends for years and they are used to not seeing each other so much because of work so I was surprised because Bella has seen Kendall quit often especially because I've been "better friends" with Kendall.

"I miss you" I tell Kendall

"I miss you too baby" She says

"I'm sorry I've been so busy lately, I promise when my house is done you can spend a few days there just us two" She says

"That's sound amazing Ken" I say

"Hey so I have an idea" I tell her

"What's that?" She asks

"Well I was thinking we should tell my sisters about us around our three month anniversary" I say

"Ok and?" Kenny asks

"That's it, I have no other ideas" I laugh

"Well I guess there's no easy way to put this so yea sounds good to me" Kendall says

"Ok then its set"

sorry this chapter was kind of short, it was more of a filler chapter. thank you for reading!

my sister's best friend Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang