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It has been a long day of school. I am just ready to go home. All day I couldn't stop thinking of Kendall. We are hanging out today, I don't know where she's taking me maybe out to dinner or a movie? Finally the bell had rang and I drove back home.

When I got home I went to my room and started editing a video. As the hours went by It was finally time for Kendall to pick me up. A few minutes later I hear knocking on the door.

"Hey ready to go?" Kendall says as I open the door

"Yup" I say

We got into her Range Rover and she started to drive.

"So where are you taking me?" I ask

"Its a surprise" She says smiling at me

"I hate surprises" I say

"I know. Remember one year for your birthday your mom threw you a surprise party and you got scared when everyone jumped up when you opened the door"

"Oh god how could I forget that" I say chuckling

The rest of the car ride was silence, but not an awkward silence. That's what I liked about Kendall, She is always a chill person to hangout with.

"Were here" she says and gets off the car

I look and see that we are at a park. I got off the car and followed Kendall. She goes to her trunk and grabs a picnic basket.

"A picnic?" I ask

"No I'm just holding a basket full of food for fun" she says sarcastically

I laugh and then follow her on the trail. finally we settled on a grass area near the pond.

"So how have you been Theodora?" Kendall asks taking a bite of her sandwich

"You did not just call me that" I say

"Well that your name isn't it" she says smirking at me

"Yea but no one calls me that" I say looking towards her

"Well then I guess I'm the first" She says

"Then I'll just be calling you Kenny for now on"

"Fine with me Theodora" she says sweetly

We then discuss a few random subjects like sports and shopping. It was really nice hanging out with her. Every time she laughed she looked up at me to make sure I was laughing too. And she always asks if I need anything. We started to head back to my house. Adele started playing on the radio and Kenny and I started singing on the top of our lungs. she then parked in front of the house.

"Do you wanna come in? No one is home and I don't want to be alone" I say

"Yea sure" she says then starts to get off of her car

We then headed to my room and I showed her around. I then showed her how I make all of my YouTube videos.

"That's so cool, I wanna be in one of your videos" Kenny says

"Ehh i'll think about" I say

Kendall then tackles me on my bed and I start to laugh. She then looks at me in the eyes then starts to lean in. Soon enough our lips connected. She then kisses harder then realizes what shes doing. She gets off of me quickly and hesitates.

"Omg i'm sorry, I wasn't thinking" she says walking out of my room and heads down stairs.

"Kendall wait" I say catching up to her

Kendall lets go of the door handle and walks towards me.

"Please don't tell your sisters they are gonna kill me" she says worriedly

"I won't tell them Kenny" I say in a low voice

"I'm sorry again I didn't-

I quickly cut her off with a kiss. It was sweet but short

"Kendall just shup up for one second" I say chuckling

here goes nothing

"Kendall I've had a crush on you for this past year" I say and she looks shocked

"Really?" she asks


She then grabs my hands and interwinds her fingers with mine

"Theodora If your sisters find out about this they will never forgive me, you know how strict they are when it comes to you." She says

'Kenny I like you a lot." I say looking down

"Hey why don't we just take this slow. How about we go out soon? she asks

"Yea sure that would be great"

We then said our goodbyes and I waved as she pulled away in her Car. This is going to be interesting.

thank you for reading!!!

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