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It was finally Friday. Theo was currently at school heading to one of her classes

"Hey Theo wait up" Maddie said

Theo has known Maddie since middle school. They were in all of the same classes almost every year.

"Hey Maddie" Theo says

"I'm having a party tonight you should come, You could even bring your girlfriend if you want" Maddie says

"Oh I don't think Kendall is a fan of high school parties" Theo laughs

"Well you should come. It's gonna be Awesome" Maddie says as she's walking away

Theo finished the school day deciding she was gonna go to the party tonight. She had went home and worked on some homework while on facetime with Kendall.

"So there's a party tonight and I think i'm gonna go" Theo says

"Oh god I remember high school parties. You should go" Kendall says

"Yea I think I am"

"Just be careful and make good choices" Kendall says

"Ken i'm not a baby" Theo says annoyed

"Well you're my baby" Kendall says

"That I am" Theo says shutting her textbook

"Well I think i'm gonna get ready so i'll text you later" Theo says

"Love you Theodora" Kendall says

"Love you too Kenny"

Theo went ahead and started to ready for the party. She was nervous this was technically her first party. She never went to any because she was always busy with work and youtube.

Theo finally arrived at the party. As soon as she walked in she smelt weed and alcohol. She then spotted Maddie and a few other girls

"Hey Theo! Glad to see you here"

"Yea thanks for the invite" Theo says

Well let's just say Theo ended up drunk. She could barley walk. So she decided to call Kendall


"Hi Kenny" Theo slurred

"Theo are you okay" Kendall asks

"Yes i'm doing...great!" Theo yelled

"Are you drunk" Kendall asked

"Maybe" Theo laughed

"Hold up i'm coming to pick you up" Kendall sages then hung up

Kendall picked up Theo and decided to take her back to her place. Kendall was working when Theo called so she had to leave work. Kendall grabbed Theo from the party and drove her back home. When they arrived She put Theo to bed.

In The Morning

Theo woke up with her head pounding. She was confused when she woke up, then she realized Kendall brought her home from the party. She looked on the night stand on saw ibuprofen and a glass of water so she took it.

"Good morning Angel" Kendall says walking in the bedroom

"Hey" Theo says laying back down

"Theo come on i made you breakfast"

After Theo finished her breakfast Kendall decided to have a talk with her

"Theo you sacred the shit out of me last night" Kendall told Theo

"I'm sorry" Theo said

"Yea you should be, Something could have happened to you" She said

"Ok and nothing did Ken, i'm alright" She says

"Just be responsible next time please" Kendall says

"Oh like how you were when you partied" Theo says, now regretting it

"This isn't about me Theo. It's about you. I wasn't a child when I partied" Kendall said with a serious tone

"Well i'm not a child Kendall! Stop being such a bitch!" Theo yelled

Kendall was speechless.

"Wait Ken i'm sorry" Theo says

"You know what forget it. Come on i'm taking you home" Kendall says grabbing her keys

The car ride was silent. Not one word was said. Theo regrets saying everything. She wished she didn't go to the party.

"Again, I'm so sorry Kenny" Theo apologizes

"It's ok Theodora" Kendall says clearly not in the mood

"Okay bye" Theo says leaving the car

Kendall doesn't even look at her. Kendall then leaves.

Theo walked in the house knowing she fucked up. Theo then decides to call Maddie

"Hey Maddie! Lets hangout"

Bella and Gigi were surprised when Theo walked into the house drunker than ever that night.

"Theodora are you drunk?!" Bella yells

"Yes" Theo giggles

"Come on" Gigi says taking Theo to her room

Once they get to her room they clean her up and start asking her questions

"Theo who were you with" Bella asks

Theo just started saying nonsense. She was drunk out of her mind. But they did notice Theo talking about how Kendall hated her and she will never forgive her

"Hey Ken" Bella says

"Hey Bells, What's up" Kendall asks

"Well Theo just came home drunk out of her mind"Bella tells Kendall

"What! Again?" Kendall says

"Again? She was drunk before?" Bella asks

"She got drunk last night and She called me so i took her to my place. Hold on i'm on my way" Kendall says then hangs up

When Kendall got there Theo was asleep so Kendall laid in bed with her and fell asleep too.

"Kenny?" Theo asks

"Yes Angel"

"I'm sorry for calling you a bitch" Theo says

"It's okay Angel" Kendall says

"I love you so much" Theo says

"I love you too, so much"

Let's just say Theo was in big trouble

thank you for reading :)
hope everyone is having a great day

my sister's best friend Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora