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It's been three days since the insistence. Theo hasn't went to school, or home to her sisters.

"Kenny" Theo asks softly

They were currently laying in bed. They really haven't been outside the house. They were trending on every social media platform. News articles, Twitter, Literally everything. And sadly Theo hasn't heard a word from her sisters.

"Yes love" Kendall says

"I think I know how to clear this up"

A Youtube Video. Theo has over 20 million subscribers. She hasn't really been posting since she's been with Kendall. She just told social media that she had been really busy with school.

"Hey guys, It's Theo!"

"So by now i'm sure you have heard the news, and i'm here to clear things up. So Kendall and I have been dating for three months. No one knew, not even are families. There are lots of reasons we didn't tell everyone it was just for the best." Theo took a long pause and started to get emotional. Kendall who was behind the camera and noticed

"It's been really hard you know. Keeping us a secret for so long, it killed me. And sadly there are people who don't support us, not because we are a same sex couple but for other reasons. But we love each other, so much and i'd do anything for her. Even if that means i'm gonna lose others."

Tears ran down Theo's face. Kendall then got up at hugged Theo.

They decided to end the video there. Theo couldn't go on she just cried harder and harder for the rest of the day.

Theo loved Kendall and her sisters. She knew her sisters wouldn't stop talking to her but it killed her knowing that they weren't okay with her relationship.

"Baby" Kendall says gently rubbing Theo

"Yea" She asks

"Your sisters are here"

Silence. The four of them sat in the living room. Theo's eyes being puffy from crying all day. Kendall looking scared that Bella was going to attack her again. Gigi sitting with her legs crossed waiting patiently. And then Bella lazily sitting on the couch ready to break the silence.

"Ok so we're here to say we're sorry" Bella says and Theo looks up

"We're sorry about everything. Well mostly me because i caused this" bella says

"Bells you didn't cause this" Theo says and Kendall looks at her knowing damn well she did

"Oh but I did Theo. And I'm so sorry for everything I feel so awful I just didn't want to see my sister grow up and most importantly date my best friend! Oh and i'm sorry Ken for slapping you" Bella says and standing up and hugging Kendall

Kendall was shocked she thought Bella was gonna keep a grudge on her for the rest of their lives.

Bella then started to cry in Kendall's arms. Kendall was speechless.

"Shh it's okay Bell Bell"

That caused Bella to cry harder. It was a nickname Kendall had given her when they first became friends.

"No Ken i was an asshole to you. I can't even imagine what you were going through" She says

"But if you hurt her i'm gonna kill you!" Bella adds

"And there it is" Kendall says and they all laugh

"I am truly sorry to both of you for not telling you about Theodora and I. I should have least asked permission or something but I knew you guys would say no" Kendall says

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