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The office was a stark contrast from the rest of the villa.

It was still elegant but darker tones filled the walls and furniture unlike the warm creamy colors of the exterior.

I stood there awkwardly, not knowing which of the many leather seats I should sit in

"Please take a seat" he gestures to the seat right in front of him and I do as I'm told

I set my bag down before crossing one leg over the other, he takes his own seat and pulls out a manila folder and starts to go through it

"Ms. Taylor you're straight out of Columbia University's nursing graduate program, are you sure you'll be able to handle an intense work environment like my clinic?" He sits back and intertwines his fingers

"I've been trained in the past six years of my schooling to endure any work place environment, whether it is a busy emergency room or a quiet family physician office."

"My clinic is considered quiet compared to a busy ER. You don't have much experience, you may be overestimating yourself"

I brush off how offended I feel towards his comment.

I'm continuously being overlooked because of how young I am in my current position and I refuse to allow it to continue.

"I think that you are underestimating my abilities to handle an intense work environment like your clinic. I have worked in nursing homes, ER's, small clinics before and during grad school. I've seen a man come into the ER with a crow bar lodged in his skull, I'm sure your clinic is nothing I can't handle"  hints of attitude shine through my words

He raises a perfectly shaped eyebrow and the look in his eyes shows that he didn't like my attitude

"Ms. Taylor I'm sure you know who I am and my line of work, so a crowbar lodged in someone's head is childs play compared to what you'll see in my clinic" he says with sternness trying not to break through his mellow tone

"As I said before Mr. Del Santo, I'm sure your clinic is nothing I can't handle" I asserted myself

I watch as a sinister smirk appears on his face

This man is going to kill me, I should've stayed my ass at the nursing home

"Ok then, let's discuss salary. Since you're fresh out of grad school I'll start you at forty five dollars per hour"

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