No.2 Knight's Cavalry Captain

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The two stared blankly at you before blinking in unison, and Paimon began sputtering in confusion.

"Y-You want to meet with... that... absolute trickster?!" She yelled out, and you grimaced from how loud she was talking.

"Honestly, Kaeya isn't even that great to talk to! He's just constantly attempting to use his looks and charisma to swoon people into telling him their secrets!"

You rolled your eyes and clicked your teeth before folding your arms over your chest and tapped your foot to wait for her to silence herself. After about five minutes of ranting, she stayed quiet and only huffed with her hands on her hips.

"Please, I need to see him. It's urgent, truly." You pleaded, also adding a small voice crack halfway through. It was silent between you three, and you saw the small girl's form lessen the built up tension.

Their eyes filled with sympathy before they turned to one another and nodded.

"I'll take you to Mondstadt. Since it's getting late, he'll most likely be at Angel's Share around now." Aether spoke, and you gave a sigh before thanking him. He only smiled and gestured to the city walls for you to start walking.

You talked the entire way there- well, more like Paimon and Aether conversed, and you just walked beside them while listening intently. You contributed to the conversation every now and then, and you tried to seem as friendly as possible that way you wouldn't seem hostile to them.

They laughed almost every time you spoke, causing you to give a gentle smile towards them.

"Paimon didn't think that Mischievous Pocket Protector would be this funny!" She exclaimed, and Aether nodded enthusiastically in agreement. Soon you reached the gates of Mondstadt, and two guards stopped you as you tried to enter the city walls.

Aether soon grabbed your hand with his and held it up for the two to see.

"She's with us!" He spoke softly, and the knights saluted before nodding and resuming their guarding duties. You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding, causing Aether to give you a side glance before pointing to a relatively small-looking establishment.

"This is Angel's Share. Let's see if he's inside, and then I'll leave you two to your business." Aether spoke, and you nodded at his words. You began thinking to yourself intently as you kept walking towards the tavern's entrance.

'The knights truly haven't changed, have they? They made Aether an Honorary Knight so that they wouldn't seem incompetent in the face of Stormterror.'

You heaved another sigh, and entered in through the door that Aether held open for you. When walking in, you immediately began scanning for the man you were looking for, only to mentally come up empty.

"He might still be at the Knight's headquarters, we'll go look for him there!" Paimon spoke up, you nodded before taking a seat on one of the barstools and folding your arms on the counter.

This tavern was certainly lively, and everyone seemed to be enjoying the alcoholic beverages in their hands. After a few minutes of sitting in silence, a man with bright red hair and crimson eyes stepped behind the counter.

"Good evening, foreign traveler. Anything I can get you?" He inquired and you furrowed your brows.

He sounded very reserved, and you could tell he was making a large effort to seem friendly, despite his outward appearance. His pinpoint gaze locked onto you as you watched his grip on the glass he was holding tighten ever so slightly.

" you happen to have any non-alcoholic beverages?" You asked as politely as you could, and he nodded.

He handed you a small piece of paper that held all of the drink options, and your eyes widened at the drawing of grape juice. It'd been so long since you last had it, and drinking it brought back past memories of when you were a little girl.

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