Think, Y/n!

The earth chunk seems to launch at us in slow motion. Any impact on the shield will sap up our energy, which we need to conserve, so we've got to lower the shield or dodge the chunk altogether...

I wrap my arms around Jungkook's waist and hug him for dear life-

-as I step backwards.

The ground gives way to the steep slope below us. I glimpse the Fighter's chunk of land flying overhead, narrowly missed, before I shut my eyes and we go tumbling down the hill together.

Jungkook is the only constant thing I can hold onto as the world whirls around us.

I grimace as I crash into the ground again and again with each roll. But moments later I feel air currents lifting us up the slightest bit, creating a cushion of sorts between us and the ground. It doesn't slow us down but the reduced pain is more than enough. A wave of relief washes over me.

And then we speed up.

No no no Jungkook what are you doing - ?!

Everything feels so much worse because there's no sense of direction, just constant spinning around like the inside of a washing machine. We'll probably roll through one of their campfires, at this rate, or crash into a tree and never wake up again. I brace myself for impact.

But the ride is oddly smooth with the air cushion's help and even at this insane speed, I can feel the currents around us changing as if Jungkook is steering us. How he can tell where we are is beyond me.

So that's how we find ourselves Sonic Spinning down the hill and through the camp.

I'm just starting to feel some motion sickness when Jungkook abruptly stops controlling us. We must've arrived. But inertia keeps us going and launches us into the air, and the ground is the only thing I can see for a few seconds before I land in a pile of snow that moves to catch me as I fall.

Suga? I look up.

I can't help but smile because somehow, we really found the right place.

Jin stares at us in awe. "Did you just Sonic Spin to us?"

"Sonic was my childhood!" Suga runs over. I've never seen him so excited before. "You know, back in my days, we used to have these -"


Instantly we crouch down.

The same chunk of land from earlier is rumbling straight for us. Taehyung motions upwards with his hand so it misses us, barely, and flies through where our heads were just a few seconds ago.

Was that thing chasing us the whole time?

The chunk of land slams back down and the ground shakes with impact, which is good because we're not dead. And bad because everyone knows where we are now.

Fighters are moving towards us from all directions, closing in like ants finding a fresh snack. As we stand up again I note the elite golden pins on some of their suits. These are some of the best Fighters that Freedom Academy could find.

"We're guaranteed to lose if we stay," Namjoon shouts. "We need to move!"

"I got you!"

I glance over and almost laugh out loud.

"You brought the self-circuiting toaster?!" Jin's eyes are comically large.

"I thought it would be useful!" Taehyung grins, holding the small silver box like a happy child.

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