"Gang over luv."

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As soon as we entered the mall I knew this was going to be interesting. I couldn't wait to see what he had interest in.

What will he buy? What does he like? I just need to know!

We both entered the mall, holding each other's hands. I've been dreaming about this moment ever since I laid my eyes on his Instagram.

This beautiful moment.

I couldn't find the words to describe this man. He was so fascinating. The way his white, straight teeth shined.

It truly amazed me.

The way his brown eyes made me feel safe and not judged. Like.. Kevin's..

"Don't think about him Brent." I reminded myself. I hated thinking about him, I hated everything about him..

It was just me and him. No one else.

As we are walking in the mall, searching for things to do. I noticed that kentrell looked stressed.

Was something on his mind?

So, I break the silence. It was getting too awkward anyway. I didn't want to just sit here and watch someone.

"So what do you like? We can buy clothes, food, gifts, really anything to be honest." I said walking with kentrell.

Kentrell quickly reacted and looked at me. From his facial expression I'm guessing he was waiting for someone to break the silence.

He stood there smiling his bright, white, teeth, reflecting onto his eyes.

"Well, we can go look at some-" kentrell cut himself off as soon as he remembered something.

Why did he cut himself off?

"Oh, I forgot to tell you this. First, I have kids."

I nodded waiting for him to carry on.

"I would like to get stuff for my kids since I don't really spoil myself anymore. I normally buy chains but I prefer seeing the smile on their face when they open my gifts." Kentrell continued.

Kentrell smiled at the thought of his kids being happy.

I have never been involved with a man who had kids before. Is that a bad thing? I don't think it is.

He honestly seems like a good man, why would I want to ruin his life?

Stop it Brent. You're feeling sympathy again. Remember, he's just a hoe.


Shit, shit, shit!

You can't fuck this up man!

"Ah, I see. That seems nice." I said nodding, ignoring my thoughts.

I my thoughts are always different to my actual words and body language. I could be freaking out and still seem happy.

—Time skip—

After a few moments of endless walking in the mall we decided to buy some stuff for his kids.

We first entered the Jordan store. I felt like a dad shopping. What the fuck?

The store was filled with bright, white lights, and Jordan products, well no shit.

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