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Not My Problem| Prologue | "Legacy Isn't  Destiny"

  Legacy isn't always destiny, they say, yet for me, it was an unshakable truth, a looming specter that shaped my existence. As Strike's daughter, I grew up beneath the shadow of his heroic legacy, a mantle he wore with immense pride. In Newport Haven, he was a guardian, safeguarding the privileged residents. His sense of duty was immense, a responsibility he shouldered like Atlas, carrying the lives of innocents on his shoulders. But his altruism led him down a path he would never return. His sacrifice birthed in me a resolve, a sad acceptance that heroism came at a price.     
   With a heavy heart, I bid farewell at his grave, leaving behind the legacy that had defined me. The familiarity of Newport dwindled in my rearview mirror, replaced by the enigma of Mission Creek. The decision to abandon the cape weighed on me, yet it was a choice I made for my survival. As I stood on the precipice of change, Carlton, the family driver, respected my solitude. "Ready, Ms. Thompson?" he asked, his eyes reflecting understanding. Time pressed on, urging me forward, away from the past and into the unknown
  "You're destined for greatness, Blaire," my father's voice echoed in my memory. His words were a reminder of my potential, a potential I chose to suppress for the sake of a simpler life. "Blaire Artemis Thompson, you're selfish," I could almost hear him say, his disappointment etched in the air. Could I be selfish? In the face of the world's expectations, I dared to choose my path, even if it meant sacrificing the hero within me. As I boarded the sleek black chrome vehicle, my lips curved into a bitter smile. "Ready as ever," I declared, my voice steady despite the storm of emotions.
   In Mission Creek, where the days blurred into an endless monotony, I sought solace in anonymity. The decision to sever ties with the Super Society was both a relief and a burden. The gaze of judgmental onlookers followed me, but they couldn't fathom the depth of my choice. Leaving behind the accolades, I embraced the serenity of an everyday life where my talents didn't define me.
  With each scathing look, I found the strength to redefine my identity. "What a waste," those eyes seemed to say, dismissing me as lost potential. But I knew better. In my pursuit of normalcy, I discovered my strength and resilience, proving that I was more than just Strike's daughter.
  Tomorrow, I would venture into the unknown, leaving behind the legacy and the expectations that had bound me. The cynic within me questioned the choice, but I steeled myself against doubt. In the sleepy town of Mission Creek, where nothing ever happened, I would find my place, even if it meant forsaking the destiny that once seemed inevitable.



Word Count: 856

Whew! I did it, all of you! I wrote the prologue to this Lab Rats Fanfic I've impulsively uploaded. I promise I won't take too long to post the next chapter. Yes!! My character is based on China's comic book counterpart, Jenifer Pierce. Yes!! The plot of the story aligns with the Mighty Med world. But it's somewhat different. I can't wait to continue writing this book. Also, this chapter is dedicated to Peters_suit_lady; they inspired me to write this fanfic next time.


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