Power System and more

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This is not a chapter this is just explaining some things for the story...

Students power system:

Weakest students = peasants

Average students = pawns

Above average students = knights

Prodigy's = Royal knights

Strongest male students = Kings

Strongest female students = queens


School staff members power system:

Teachers = Lords

Janitor = War lord (in the story the janitor is basically the G.O.A.T)

Principal = Demi god

Headmistress = ???


Monster power system:

Low rank = Demogorgon

Mid tier = D'Artagnan

High tier = Flayer

King tier = Beast of Destruction


Demon power system:

Low rank = Doomos

Mid rank = Doomes

High rank = Demon

King rank = Demon King

Titan rank = Demon lord

God rank = Demonic God

God power system:
(anything that is god rank means they are crazy strong but if they are a divine rank they are actual gods like Zeus)

Divine 5 = low rank gods

Divine 10 = mid rank gods

Divine 100 = Strong gods that are known more then others for example Zeus and Odin


Divine monsters power system:

(Think Of beings like the monkey king)

D.M = planet buster

D.S.M = Star Buster

D.S.S.M = Solar system buster

D.S.S.S.M = galaxy buster

D.S.S.S.S.M = universe buster

D.X.M = dimension and reality buster


Weapon rank:

C to C+ = Homemade

F to F+ rank = common

E to E+ rank = uncommon

D to D+ = Rare

S = Legendary

S+ to SS = Mythic

SS+ to SSS = Exotic

SSS+ = Divine

X to X+ = ???


Now it's time to explain some things that will be in the story.

1) Borrowed power: Borrowed power is the ability to be given the powers of past heroes and gods but you don't get all of their power at once you have to grow stronger to get more of their powers, weapons, etc.

2) Reincarnation: a person or animal in whom a particular soul is believed to have or has been reborn. Expect a good amount of people who are reincarnations of others

3) Guilds:Once you graduate you can join or if you are strong enough create your own guild.

4)Dungeons: The can go from an F rank to an SS rank and on some occasions even higher.

5) Clans: There are 2 types of clans one type is a family that someone has been born into like the Hayabusa clan from the ninja gaiden series. And the other is basically like Familia's from danmachi but for the readers school.


School clans from weakest to strongest:

Liger clan (readers clan)

Yuga clan

Ackerman clan

Monkey clan

Zoldyck clan

Jaeger Clan

Akatsuki clan

Espada clan

Sirius clan


I did say I was going to say every member for each clan but I'm to lazy so as the story continues I'll just say who is in what clan....


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