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Nagitos Pov
I couldn't believe Hajime was hugging me. It was weird nobody has ever hung out with me the way Hajime does.

Eventually the school day ended and as me and Hinata-Kun were about to leave a wild ibuki popped up. HELLLOOOO ibuki sang. Ibuki wants to know if you want to go to her sleepover. I agreed along with Hajime. Ibuki's eyes lit up as she gave us each a paper with her address on it. "Ibuki's parents are going to be gone and Ibuki have guest bedrooms so you can stay there" I thanked Ibuki and me and hajime separated ways on our route to homes.


Oh so we have to share a room

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Oh so we have to share a room... ok 🍀
I have to share a bed with hajime this is going to be awkward since I have a crush on him. What if my luck makes me accidentally suffocate him. I shouldn't think about that right now. Oh it's today well I better get packing. I arrived at Ibuki's house.... It looked.... Normal. I went inside and saw Hajime when made me happy to know he was there. But Chiaki was also there and I now know what happened so I can tell Hajime was avoiding her.

Ibuki suddenly popped out and told us we were going to play truth or dare. I was a little on edge of the idea but in the end we all agreed on it. Ibuki was first.
Heres some more keys
Hajime 🍊
Nagito 🍀
Chiaki 📱
Ibuki 💖
Souda 🚗
Hiyoko 👘
Gundham 🐹

Truth or dare souda 💖
Ummm dare 🚗
I dare you to take one of gundham devas 💖
No way 🚗
It's a dare stupid you have to do it 👘
F-fine 🚗
Hiyoko truth or dare 🚗
Dare I'm not chicken 👘
I dare you to eat a lemon gummy 🚗
Ewwww but fine 👘
Hey gundham truth or dare 👘
Dare 🐹
I dare you to hit souda 👘
Fine 🐹
Ow what the heck man 🚗
Hey Hajime Truth or dare 🐹
Truth sorry 🍊
Is it true you have a crush on someone 🐹
Y-yea it's true 🍊
Chiaki became upset because of this
Hey Chiaki truth or dare 🍊
Truth 📱
Is it true you cheated on me 🍊
O-O uh I- Uh...... yea it's true 📱
(Making Hajime the passive aggressive king he is)
Nagito truth or dare 📱
Truth 🍀
Is it true you have many illnesses 📱
H- huh how did you know that!?! I only told one person.?!? 🍀
Guess it answers that question 📱
Yo- you know maybe we should go to sleep it's getting late 💖
Your right 🍀
Yea 🍊
Yea im tired 👘
Ok then Ibuki will assign room placements. You all will have to share the same bed with someone I choose. 💖
Hajime your with Nagito
Hiyoko your with Chiaki
Gundham your with kazuichi
And I will sleep in my room 💖 goodnight.

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