Human again

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Loki hadn't spoken to Belle in three days, at first she had not noticed having been to busy with her child but she was beginning to suspect he was upset with her. Every time she entered a room he would either leave hastily or barely speak four words to her, she was not deterred though she had a plan.
That morning she left John with Natasha and headed to her room and began to get ready, the dress she had selected reacher her mid thigh and was a very light shade of yellow with puffy long sleeves and small buttons all up the front. After putting on some black ankle boots she headed out to find Loki.

"I thought I'd find you here" her musical voiced called softly entering the library where Loki was reading, he looked up and closed his book he stood up and smiled "Lady Belle" he replied nodding politely beginning to exit the library "oh enough already" she called after him. Loki turned and smiled the same fake smile again "was there something you needed my lady?" "I need my soulmate to come back to me" she pleased reaching for his hand "Loki I am sorry I didn't accept your offer but know I wanted to" she looked into his eyes begging for his forgiveness and he smiled "Belle I am not angry with you" he said gently touching her cheek "then why are you ignoring me?" She questioned "Meet me tonight at sunset and I will explain" he said gently kissing her cheek and walking out.

Belle blushed happily to herself and gripped her hands gently in front of her exiting the library to spend more time with her son before sunset. She walked into the living room to find Natasha and Steve watching John in his crib, she smiled and walked over to them just in time to see John stick out his small hand, she reached her hand forward and allowed him to wrap his fist around her index finger. " I never knew how much love my heart could hold till I held him" she softly spoke. "Sometimes I forget you're just seventeen with how well spoken you are Belle" Steve commented still looking at John, Belle chuckles softly "yes well my father seemed to have a head for science but I inherited my mothers brain for literature I suppose, I wonder what traits he shall grow up with?" She questioned to herself.

Belle entered her room once again to fix her hair before meeting Loki when she noticed an envelope on her desk. She smiled softly to herself when she saw a wax seal meaning only Loki could've left this note, she gently opened the letter and read his soft scribble "the far oak with the high branches." She gently placed the letter back down and sat in-front of her mirror, her small hands pinned back the front of her hair. Belle entered the park and began walking on the concrete path towards the tree her heels clicking beneath her. She reached the oak and looked around for Loki before checking her watch, seven fifteen. She wasn't deterred yet she leaned against the oak and waited.

It was now seven forty-five Belle has been waiting over thirty minutes, she let out a sigh and began to walk away when suddenly the park light up she looked down from the hill were the oak tree stood in amazement at the lanterns down below when she heard a voice next to her "sorry I'm late" her mates voice called from behind her. Belle spun around with a huge grin on her face and ran to his arms, Loki spun belle around and kissed her gently. Once their embrace ended they walked over to the edge of the hill looking over at the lanterns spelling out her name below them.

"So this is what you've been up to" she hummed contently, tucking herself into his side. Loki turned and took Belles hands in his own " Belle, I know we don't know each other all that well, but we're soulmates and I love you Belle Alice Genevieve Barton and I want to take you to my home where I can keep you AND John safe." He finished his speech and looked at her waiting for an answer. Belle kissed his lips softly "I love you too" she laughed lightly "okay yes! Let's do it" she smiled and kissed him again "yes?" Loki doubled checked " yes!" Belle repeated herself "yes!" Loki said picking her up and spinning her in a circle while she laughed.

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