#8 - Sehun [Study Date]

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Dedicated to @ClarissaIma this is 20 DAYS LATE OMG I'M SO SORRY I'M HORRIBLE

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Rissa was in the library studying and focusing on her text book like a good student would. Her boyfriend however, was not a good student. Sehun plopped down in the seat next to her and began to poke at Rissa's sides demanding her attention. His efforts failed as Rissa did not give him the slightest bit attention, besides yelling at him.

"Sehun, stop poking me right now!" Rissa exclaimed, her eyes still not leaving the textbook. "I need to get this problem." Sehun stopped poking her immediately once he felt the rays of irritation radiating off her. 

Sehun wasn't entirely sure he could stop, so sulking, Sehun stood up from his seat to sit across from Rissa. Even after being scolded Sehun was still impatient and tapped his fingers on the table. He wanted nothing more than to spend time with Rissa.

They were both pretty still and it was unbearably silent. The only thing that could be heard was the flipping of pages and Rissa's heavy sighs. Sehun was bothered by the trouble expression on Rissa's face but he didn't dare say anything for fear of upsetting Rissa even further.

Sehun laid his head on the table and stared at Rissa for a few minutes–just until he couldn't take it anymore and sat once again in the seat next to her. "Give me that," he muttered, pulling the textbook out of her hand.

"W-What are you–" She was flustered immediately at the sudden action. "H-Hey!" Sehun held the book behind his back while she reached to steal it back.

"I'm trying to help you," he calmly said. "Give me your paper." Rissa was still fumbling to grab the book out of his hands. Sehun sighed, "Don't you trust me?"

Rissa pulled away from Sehun. "Of course I do!" 

"The paper then?"

This time, with not a single trace of doubt or hesitation she held out to him the paper. Sehun took it and quickly skimmed it over, his eyes running across the sheet. "Of course you're getting frustrated." 

"What? What did I do wrong?" Rissa leaned in closer to Sehun. Sehun secretly smiled at the tiny contact; Rissa was finally talking to him.

"Look, right here..." He opened up the book's glossary and pointed to a few words, and suddenly everything clicked into place in Rissa's mind.

Rissa practically tackled Sehun in a hug. "Sehun! You're a genius!" Sehun hugged her back, eager to hold her in his arms. He was already so deprived of Rissa because of her long studying habits.

When Rissa tried to pull away she found that she couldn't. "Um... Sehun?" Sehun locked her tight into his arms and refused to let her go.

"Nope," he was uncharacteristically smiley. "I'm not letting you go." Rissa continued to squirm around but stopped when his grip grew even tighter.

"Sehun." She dragged his name out. "Let me go." 

"Or else what?"






"I said no."

"Sehun, you let me go this instant or–!" Sehun leaned down and captured her lips for a quick kiss leaving her speechless and stunned. It's effectiveness only lasted for about ten seconds. "Yah, Sehun we're in public–"

He swooped in for another quick kiss. Rissa's cheeks blushed bright red. "Do you have anything more to say? Blink two times for a no." Sehun commanded.

Rissa blinked blinked two times in a panic. Rissa sat in Sehun's arms for a few minutes and she found her eyes inching toward her book. "Can you please let me study at least?" She blurted out quickly. 

Sehun let out a sigh. "Even when you're in my arms all you can think about is studying."

"But I need to study!" Sehun continued to act sullen as Rissa tried to defend her case. "Well, how about this, why don't we just study together?"

"Okay!" Sehun smiled and released Rissa from his death grip. "You need my help anyways," Sehun said, refering to earlier. Rissa let out an airy laughter as she scooted away from Sehun to get her space. Only he scooted closer so the amount of space between them stayed the same.

Rissa gave Sehun a funny look as she scooted just an inch further. Sehun followed after moving a single inch closer. "We're studying together, so this is basically a study date right?" Sehun said opening Rissa's textbook.

"Come on, get closer, snuggle in." He held his arms wide open and this time Rissa nestled in close next to him. But even before Rissa could get settled in his arms she bolted away from him yelling: We're in public!

Sehun twisted her own words and threw them back at her. "Does this mean we can do this in private?" He gave her a meaningful glance.

"Yah! Pervert!"

Sehun gave a cheeky satified smile. "I like studying with you; we should do this more~"

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A/N: yay! I finished! I hope you like it! I'm sorry if it's not what you wanted.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2015 ⏰

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