Request Here

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Hi! I've always wanted to try one of these book because they seem like so much fun~! It's my first time making something like this so please bear with me if I take to long or something. ^_^


name: (doesn't have to be real)


genre: (don't have contradicting ones like happy + tragedy)

scene + other : (make it vague)

Example Form–

name: Faith

bias: Luhan

genre: Fluff, romance

scene + other : Luhan senses that you're feeling down and cheers you up ft. Baekhyun

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Yup so that's it! Please don't be shy to request! Make sure to message me or comment, but don't comment on other chapters because I might not see them.

As for the stories I unpublished when I went on hiatus, I'm still editing them–what? I haven't been procrastinating editing them at all what are you talking about pshhh.

– byeeeeee :)

p.s how is the cover guys? i'm afraid i've lost my touch ;;-;;

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