#4 - Kai [You Theif]

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Dedicated to @Bangtan_Block~ you didn't tell me you changed your username so I freaked out for a good 5 minutes thinking you left without saying good bye xD 

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Ah Yeong was walking down the street when she noticed something odd. There was no cold weight pressing into her neck. She raised her hand up to her collarbone for her necklace, and just as she thought, it was no longer there.

Her first action was to freak out (and that consisted of her looking around frantically and making weird gasping noises), and then when she was done she hurried back to the café where she might have lost it.

Ah Yeong hoped with all heart it would still be there. The necklace was a gift from her mother and she promised her mom she would treasure it for as long as she lived. 

It may seem odd but promises were important to her, they had to be kept at all costs. She hurried into the coffee shop and ended up crashing into someone. 

"Oh, I'm sorry," she muttered but when she saw her neckalce in the person's hand all the politeness whooshed out of her. "You stole my necklace!" She shouted.

"What?" The boy looked down in his hands that held a simple flower jeweled necklace. "Oh yes I–"

"Oh yes you stole my necklace?" Ah Yeong snatched the necklace away from him.

The boy grew flustered at the sudden turn of events. "Ah, no, that's not what I meant I–" 

"Save your excuses you thief!" Ah Yeong stormed out of the coffee shop and the door closed with a cute little ring, totally not matching the drama like scene.

The boy was left shocked and the bystanders in the café stared at him. He laughed a little nervously before he opened the door to chase after Ah Yeong. "Hey!" He called out before the girl could get too far.

Ah Yeong paused and pouted. "What do you want?"

"You to listen to me," the boy walked up to her. "My name is Jongin, what's yours?"

"I don't listen to thieves, Jongin," Ah Yeong declared as she tried to put her necklace back on. 

"I didn't steal your necklace, it was in my hand because I was going to return it to you!" 

Ah Yeong made a 'hmp' noise as she continued to walk on. 

"Seriously! When you stood up the necklace just slid off of your neck and then I picked it up. I was about to run out and give it to you." Jongin said.

"That..." An Yeong trailed off thinking about how much she probably over-reacted. "It makes sense." She finished lamely. "I'm sorry." She held her hand out to him. "I'm An Yeong."

He graciously took her hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you An Yeong."

"How did you know the necklace fell off me? Were you... watching me perphaps?" An Yeong inquired. 

Jongin clammed up and his cheeks turned bright red. An Yeong watched him react and she found herself comparing him with a puppy. "You were, weren't you?" She taunted. "How else would you notice the necklace falling off, heck I didn't even notice it fall."

"Okay, so let's say that I was, what would you do?"

Ah Yeong looked thoughtful. "I don't know," she admitted.

"Would you be creeped out, or flattered...?"

She looked at his face to access him, he was attractive so she said, "I would be both flattered and creeped out. Why do you ask?"

He avoided her curious gaze. "Maybe I was staring at you. J-Just a little though, I'm not a stalker or pervert I swear."

She lifted her eyebrow as if to say, really? He nodded his head a little, his cheeks growing even more crimson.

"O-Okay then," she awkwardly said. "Thanks for bringing necklace then, I owe you one." Her fingers continued to fumble as she attempted to put the necklace back on. 

"Here, I can do it." Jonging held his palm to her and Ah Yeong placed the necklace inside it. 

"Thanks," she muttered.

He nodded, "Lift up your hair?" He placed the necklace around me and clipped it with ease. He smiled as he walked in front of Ah Yeong to see how the necklace looked. "Hey you know how you owe me rihgt?"

Ah Yeong was careful nodding yes. "Well, if you give me your phone number, that's half of what you owe."

"You flirt!" Ah Yeong laughed. "And how would I pay the other half of what I owe?"

"You have to let me take you to the zoo!"

Ah Yeong laughed again. "If you say so."

He chuckled, "Promise?"

"Promise, and just letting you know promises are very important to me."

The two began chatting on the middle of the sidewalk before Jongin grabbed onto her hand and pulled her into the café where the two first met, the “crime scene”.

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A/N: do you guys prefer me writing in first person or third person? because I honestly don't know which one to do XD or should I just alternate from first and third every request? oh and do you guys actually read my a/n's or am I just kind of talking to myself? otl


but wth is "call me daddy" I hope that's not the real title ><

also sorry for being so slow guys, I'm trying to update one each day, but it's proving to be harder than I thought.

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