"Storytime's over." Klaus frowned back.

Klaus looked ahead agitated. I laid my head on his shoulder and started rubbing his back comfortingly.

"I need a drink." Stefan stated. "A real one."

"Then just go." I sighed. "We know you'll come back."

Klaus poured us a few drinks and we drank, forgetting about the previous conversation. It wasn't until I felt a familiar presence that I turned around and smiled.

"No fucking way!" I cheered, getting out of Klaus' lap and ran to Damon, jumping in his arms to hug him. "I can't believe you're here!"

"I've missed you, witchy!" Damon smiled then set me down, glaring at Klaus who was at the bar. "Has he hurt you?"

"No." I scoffed irritated. Klaus would never hurt me. "He's not that bad Damon."

"Please." Damon scoffed, taking my hand and bringing me back to the bar with him.

"I see they're opening the doors to the rif raf now." Klaus stated.

"Oh, honey, I've been called worse." Damon smirked.

"Boys." I stated cautiously. This won't be going well.

"You don't give up, do you?" Klaus frowned.

"Give me my brother and best friend back, you'll never have to see me again." Damon suggested.

"Well, I am torn. You see, I promised Stefan and Rosalie I wouldn't let you die, but how many freebies did I really sign up for? And clearly you want to die, otherwise you wouldn't be here, so......"

"Klaus......" I warned.

"What can I say?" Damon smirked. "I'm a thrill seeker."

"You're really not helping." I glared at Damon.

Klaus smirked back before speeding around me, holding up Damon by his throat.

"Klaus!" I panicked. "Don't!"

"Oh dear, what was that?" Klaus smirked ignoring me as he picked up a little drink umbrella. "I'm a little boozy, so you forgive me if I miss your heart the first few tries."

"Klaus, don't!" I pleaded.

Klaus stuck Damon a few times as he mocked him.

"You want a partner in crime? Forget Stefan, I'm so much more fun!" Damon groaned in pain.

Klaus threw Damon into a table and chairs causing them to break. Klaus picked up a broken leg and advanced towards Damon.

"You won't be any fun, after your dead!" Klaus stated.

"ENOUGH!" I yelled as I used my magic to set the wood on fire.

"Ugh!" Klaus groaned then threw the wood and looked back at me. "Really?"

"Are you fucking kidding me right now? You want to complain right now?!" I hissed making Klaus look at me shocked.

"No, love." Klaus sighed in defeat.

"That's what I thought." I stated, glaring at them both, crossing my arms.

"You don't have to bargain your brothers freedom. When I'm done with him, he won't want to go back."

"Klaus!" I frowned.

"I'm done, I'm done." Klaus stood up, putting his hands up in mock surrender.

Damon smirked getting him and made a whipping noise and motion making Klaus take a step toward him, but I grabbed his arm and glared at Damon.

"Just get the hell out of here before I can't stop him." I stated.

The Hybrid's Mate (A TVD Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now