"Everyone did!"

Jimin and Taehyung became a little emotional at the scene.

"Oh god! It feels like a dream! How have you all been!?" Asked Namjoon.

"Life is never better." Jin shrugged.

"Kids, say hello uncles and aunts!"

Mijoon and her brother, Lihyun bowed to them. Juliet got them chocolates. And other uncle got them toys and all.

"We heard about you all a lot! I always wished to meet you!" Lihyun jumped in happiness.

"Aww! Thank you!" Jeon Neon wished back.

"Jimin uncle! You were the most perverted friend of daddy right?" Mijoon, the twelve years old girl asked with a smirk bringing embarrassment to him.

"Oh.... Yeah... Kinda..." He scratched his nape.
"I liked your and Juliet aunt's chemistry a lot." She giggled.

A tension between Jimin and Juliet took over as they averted their gaze. "No sweetheart, we were just best friends....." He politely said pinching her cheeks. "No! You kissed her-"

"Hey! Mijoon! Can you and Lihyun give us a little time to catch up with each other?" Namjoon asked cutting her off, knowing his child was making it uncomfortable for Jimin and Juliet.

"No! I wanted to meet them and-" Lihyun was once again cut off by his father.

"I know, I know. Give us some time, you'll also spend time with them." He patted his son's head.

The two siblings left with sad pouts.

"Life has been never better but we could still make it more brighter if we never left each other's side." Yoongi said.

"Things got worse and we had to.... No option was there." Jin looked down at his lap.

"That's not the case. We were too stubborn to compromise because that's hurt our ego. If we left those habits, we might have not suffered from things."

After graduation, there was huge problems in each of their families. Neon couldn't pass and that brought her to depression.
She was forbidden to meet any of her friends. At that time it was only Jungkook who secretly kept meeting her and cheering her up.

Namjoon apparently studied well and with stars in result, he got a well to do job. His wife is really a nice woman who always stayed by his side, till now.
Jin too became a doctor. But to meet their own needs in pressure, he couldn't keep contacting each other. Also he was financially weak a some point and felt embarrassing to meet his friends.
Now he is well flourished, he has a loyal wife to him, and a teenager son.

Yoongi was never happy with what he was forced to choose. He did not ever wanted to study science but his parents would never listen. After two years of physiology studies, he dropped his course and left his house without informing anyone.

He auditioned in a music company, secretly as producer and he got his job. In no interest of talking back to his parents due to multiple tensions taking over whenever he'll meet them, he kept all his feelings to himself. And therefore lost touch with rest of BTS too.

Hoseok tried to reach them but his luck always betrayed him. Everytime he tried to contact any of one, he never got them. Either they didn't pick up his calls, some left the neighborhood, some hung up on his face. He didn't know what to do, so he chose his alone path.

To come through his rough time,his colleague helped him, the one who is his sweet girlfriend now.

Jimin? Jimin messed up both his and Juliet's life. Before things were confirmed within their families, Juliet was bearing his child. Jimin,with no proper decision made the situation worse.
Juliet had a miscarriage.

Since then, hatred grew against them taking over their unconditional love. Jimin got married due to the family pressure and Juliet continued on her own.

But... They never broke up properly?

Jimin has a son of four years, but divorced to wife. That's how he'd been living. A little rough but with hopes.

Taehyung never took any interest in any girls till now seems like. He'd been doing good. He kept contact with everyone but once the word 'reunite' was pronounced by him, he faced "call ended". Being a scientist is very tough job, his busyness took over his spare times. And he lost hopes of reuniting.

Jungkook and Neon built-up their family and are expecting a child. They ended up quite well within theirselves, but missed being together until now.

"Seems like many things broke into million pieces.... But we are together again that's what matters." Hoseok beamed. "Let's not break apart again."

After a long chit chat, the guys bid bye to each other. They promised not to tear the bond again which is glued with a great effort.

"Next time bring your lil ones!" Namjoon's wife bid bye to them.

"Bye! Next time I expect my friends too!" Mijoon and Lihyun waved.

"Best birthday gift ever." Namjoon smiled looking at the unpacked gift of their group photograph of old school days.

"Can we give it a try.....?" Jimin asked softly opening his car door for Juliet.
"No. We are good. You are good. Bye, Jimin!" She waved. "I won't forget you, or us. Please?"

She sighed. "Maybe.... I'll contact you after I decide."

A soft peck landed on her forehead. "I expect a yes." He said guiding in his car.

"So Taehyung-ah, shall I arrange a girl for you?" Asked Jungkook.
"Nah~ I'm fine." He denied.

"Your Facebook profile pic says, you already got one." Neon teased.

"Fyck..." Taehyung mumbled covering his face that had Rosy cheeks.

"Sooooooooo baby, your uncle got a girlfriend!" Neon said to her baby in her bump.

"Anyways!" Taehyung changed the subject making Jungkook and Neon laugh.

Jin sparked up a conversation with Yoongi, "So? How are things going?"

"Good. Never better." He mumbled.

"Love life?"

"Single. Not ready to mingle." He shrugged and Jin and Hoseok chuckled.

"Promise to meet often." Hoseok requested.
"I will." He assured.

The boys hugged each other before they bid byes to meet again.


The reason this book has 18 chapters is: Teenage life is basically from 13-19 but when you're 18, you're already an adult, so excluding 19, this book, Crazy Teens has 18 chapters as of Teenage life.

Okay, so this book was when I really raw at writing and I had no standard of English. So I hope you treat this as a try and just enjoy it as an element of comedy rather than a standardised book.

I promise my books in BláckFire series are very much improvised and are of high quality. The grammatical errors, betterment of language and other enhancements are kept in mind while writing those books.
Originally I two or the books are, and are being rewritten. And editing will be done soon to make it even more attractive.

Thank you for paying attention to this short promotional paragraph. I hope I made you smile at least once throughout the journey of Crazy Teens.

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