An Hour's Promise

Start from the beginning

"My boy, where is my boy?!" Gaius' voice could be heard echoing down the hall.

"He's here!" Arthur called.  

Gaius emerged from the darkness, medical bag in hand. When he saw Merlin, his face contorted in a mix of relief at the sight of the boy he viewed as his own son, but horror at the state he was in. "Merlin, what happened?"

"I was just asking him. He says Morgause never left the castle. She kept him here."


"In my father's chambers."

"The king is under an enchantment," Merlin added weakly. 

"Good heavens!"

"Merlin, why did she take you?"


"No time for that now!" Gaius exclaimed. "We need to treat this wound. It looks like it's been infected with some sort of potion, but I've only ever seen something like this used... oh Merlin..." Gaius said pityingly, coming to a realization. "What did she do to you?"

Arthur looked wildly from Merlin to the physician. "Why, what is it?"

"It's this substance," Gaius said, running a finger along the black markings surrounding the wound. "I've seen it used before. It is an ancient torture method of the high priestesses of the old religion. It was used to completely open the mind of a victim, causing them to reveal secrets and experience pain beyond what a human can comprehend. Did she interrogate you, Merlin?"

The boy nodded with his eyes closed. "But it doesn't matter now," Merlin said quietly. "She's still here. You have to... we have to get the king..."

"Oh God..." Arthur had to look away from the wound, guilt wracking his body. 

"Arthur!" Merlin grabbed the prince's wrist, forcing him to make eye contact. "Your father, Morgause..."

"She's still hiding in the palace." Arthur gritted his teeth. "And she's got my father under some sort of enchantment."

Merlin forced himself to his feet through Gaius' protests. 

"Merlin, as your physician I think it-"

"We don't have time, Gaius. Just..." he almost tripped over his restraints. "Just get these chains off."

Arthur nodded and ran to get something to break the chains from the armory. He came back with a large battle axe. Merlin shied away. 

"Oh come on, Merlin, don't you trust me?" Merlin closed his eyes and laid out a piece of the chain for Arthur to break. Arthur brought the axe back and swung down with all his strength, shattering the chain and carving a divot into the stone floor.

Merlin sighed in relief. "Thanks." He did his best to shake the rest off. There were still shackles around his wrists and ankles, but the chains connecting them were shattered, allowing him to walk with much more ease. "I'll go investigate my father's chambers," Arthur said, determined. "Merlin, you stay here."

"What? No way!"

"He's right, Merlin," Gaius chimed in. "You need your rest and I need more time to look at your wounds." 

He brushed his guardian away. "I'll be fine. I'm coming."

"No," Arthur corrected. "You're not."

"You can't stop me!" Merlin cried. He broke through the people around him and took off running in the direction of the king's chambers. 

"Merlin!" Arthur called after him. He sprinted after his servant, but turned back to deliver an order. "Sir Vinland, if I do not return within the hour, send a party of knights after me, but not before then. It's important we maintain the element of surprise."

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