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jimin walked into the small little coffee shop like he did most days, looking across the café and seeing his boyfriend sitting and waiting for him. he was intently reading some novel, with both their drinks and danish sitting on the table.

jimin sighed, before walking over and sitting down across from him.

namjoon didn't look up at him yet, clearly finishing the sentence he was reading in his book, before grabbing the bookmark to mark his place and setting the book down on the counter.

"hey," he said, "drinks should be cooled off by now."

namjoon grabbed the coffee and slowly took a sip, not paying any mind to the boy sitting across from him with a look of dismay all over his face.

it took a few more moments of silence for namjoon to realize something was up with his boyfriend, quickly looking over to him.

"you okay?" he asked, with a small laugh.

jimin nodded.

"i am."

namjoon set his drink down and looked at him.

"jimin, what's wrong?"

jimin squinted.

"nothing wrong with me," he said, putting emphasis on the last word.

jimin stopped for a minute, looking at him directly in the eyes.

"what about you?"

namjoon suddenly looked a bit nervous.

"what? nothing's wrong."

"nothing?" jimin asked, "really?"

namjoon gulped, before nodding.

"really.., nothing."

jimin just looked away.

"really? no... arguments... or conversations... or..," he paused for a moment,

"offers from your dream school?"

namjoon immediately looked up at him, completely shocked.

it was quiet for a second, the two just looking at each other.

"you know?" namjoon asked, lowly, concern in his voice.

"of course i do," jimin said, a serious expression on his face, suddenly looking distressed, "what... you thought i'd never figure it out? i know when something is on your mind, namjoon. you can't lie to me like that. you know better."

namjoon just sat there for a moment, thinking through what to say.

"i-i didn't lie, jimin. there's nothing wrong... i'm completely happy and content right now," he said, "i got an offer from some school? big deal. it's not like i'm going."

jimin just stared at namjoon for a moment.

that's what he wanted to hear. he didn't want namjoon to go, of course he didn't. he didn't even want him to consider it. all he wanted was for namjoon to stay, but he knew the likely reason he had for not going and jimin wasn't sure if he could live with himself if he knew namjoon missed the opportunity for him.

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