Chapter 18

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"Take me somewhere I can be, I can be myself. Oh, take me somewhere I am free. Free to be myself, and nothing else. " ~Jack Avery, Be Myself

I shove Corbyn slightly. "I thought you wanted that to happen."

Corbyn grins. "Kind of. A little. Not really."

I give a look.

"Okay, no that wasn't planned, but I wanted to seem like I knew what I was doing," he shrugs.

I laugh, shaking my head. "It didn't look right."

"How would you know?"

I shrug, starting to clean the stuff on the counter. "I may have done it in high school."

"High school..." he murmurs.

"Yes. High school," I laugh. "You had to have done it too."

"I don't remember," he shrugs. "But I could have."


Corbyn drops the paper towel he was using, looking at me apologetically.

I roll my eyes. "Fine. Go."

He runs to the door, and I hear a hello.

I hear him call me. "It's Zach! Obviously."

I hear Zach stumble into the living room, followed by Corbyn's steps.

I rush to the room ahead, seeing Zach collapsed on the floor.

"I'm doomed," he groaned.

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked, panicked.

Zach sighs. "Everything!"

"Everything?" Corbyn looks at him amused. "What's the most important news?"

"I— I—" he stops. "Please don't tell anyone."

I nod, and elbow Corbyn to do the same.

"Okay," he nods. He takes a breath. "I'm... you promise not to tell?"

"Yup," Corbyn nods.

"Of course, Zach. We won't tell anyone. Right, Corbyn?" I glare at Corbs.

Corbyn nods instead of saying anything.

"Okay. Okay." He breathes in and out again. "I'm... I'm... I'm bisexual."


"Does Jack know this?" Corbyn asks.

"Fuck no!" Zach shouts. "Never! He... he... Gabbie... Lavender... never."

I hug him. "Hey. You should tell him. You'll never know if he feels the same way, if you never ask."

"But he's obviously straight!" Zach sniffles. "He had sex with Gabbie!"

"And that doesn't mean he's straight... he could just be finding his identity," Corbyn says.

"Finding..." Zach trails off. "Ok. Thanks." He looks away, and back to the door. "I brought my stuff. From the house. I'm ready to move in."

"Yay!" I pull him up, and drag him to the entryway.

I grab two boxes, carrying them to Zach's room.

I place them next to his bed, and inspect the area.

It's quite Zach. Mostly black. But he has many colourful touches floating around the room.

Zach comes in, carrying his bag and two more boxes.

"Nice room."

He grins. "Thanks. I can't wait to get a full length mirror." He points beside the door that possibly leads to the bathroom, while also dropping the boxes next to the others. "Right there. It'd be the perfect spot to put it. And for taking pics of my outfit. Don't you think?"

I smile. "What about the hair?"

"OH!" He glides to a table with a mirror over top. "Here. It's where I take the longest. Gotta get the perfect hair, am I right?"

I laugh. "Of course."

I press my back to the door. "Tell Jack. I'm not telling you to do it now, but soon. Okay?"

He nods. "Definitely."

I walk out then, smile on my face.


Corbs looks back, grinning. "Hi, Izzy."

He's holding three fucking boxes.

"Either you're trying to show off, or you're actually being nice,' I say, taking a box from him.

His smile grows. "Both... but mostly trying to impress you."

I laugh. "You don't have to do that. You impress me too much anyway."

"Oh yeah?"

I open Zach's door, finding Zach mumbling to himself while unpacking.

"Hey Zach!" Corbyn says, oblivious to his moment. "These are the last boxes. Where'd you want us to put them?"

Zach looks up, smiles, and points beside him. "Here's fine."

We drop the boxes, and I yank Corbyn out of the room.

As soon as we're out, Corbyn pulls my body to him, so his chest is against my back.

"Can we go to my room?" He asks, whispering.

I smile. "Why, Corbs?"

He whines, pulling me closer.

I feel his dick pushing up against me.

I giggle. "Should I be calling you Corboner, now?"

He glares playfully. "No. Please no. But—"

I turn around, grabbing his hand, pulling him to his room.

He smiles. 

𝔑𝔞𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔞𝔩//Corbyn Besson//✔︎Where stories live. Discover now