Chapter 5

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"When I'm around you, I feel it in my veins. There's something about you, that's making me go insane. We have a storm to weather, my little sweet surrender." ~Corbyn Besson, Fallin' (Adrenaline) Acoustic

"Oh baby, I can feel the rush of adrenaline. I'm not scared to jump if you want to—"

"NiK!" Max cries. "SHUT IT. Your voice is breaking me."

"Well I'm sorry. Not everyone's amazing at singing," Nik replies.

"Ignore her," Corbyn says. "Now, continue."


"That one," he says, pointing at Nik.

"Wow. Hazza would be nicer," Hailey says, defending Nik.

"Let's just fall in love for the hell of it. Maybe just keep fallin'," Zach finishes. "My part is my part."

All the boys sing the rest of the chorus. "I can feel the rush of adrenaline, I'm not scared to jump 'cause I want you. Let's just fall in love for the hell of it. Maybe, just keep fallin'."

"Corbyn!" I say. "Please, please, please do your acoustic part. Please!"

Corbyn laughs. "Oh?"

"It's so nice!" I grin.

"Nice?" Max asks. "It melted my heart. Gah!"

"I'll get my guitar..." Daniel says.

Max smiles at him. "Please."

Daniel gets up, going somewhere. A minute after he reappears with a guitar.

"Alright," Jonah says. "Go on, Corbyn."

"Later, later" Corbyn waves his hand. "Let's watch a movie."

I push him. "Come on, Corbs!"

He raises an eyebrow. "Corbs?"

"Whatever," I pout. Forget it. "Let's just watch a movie."

After, like, I don't know, a few minutes, we choose Ready Player 1.

"I've never watched it," Jonah says.

"It's really good," Max answers.

"I've haven't watched it either," I smile. "Not my type of movie, but..."

"Just shut up and watch the movie," Zach says.

We all quiet down, as the first lines of the movie starts.

A quarter way through, or more, I need the bathroom.

I slowly stand up, everyone really into the movie.

"Where are you going?" Corbyn whispers.

Is he standing? He sounds awfully close.

"Washroom," I reply. "I can't see though."

"I'll make sure you don't get lost," he says in my ear.

He leads me away to the washroom.




"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" I yell.

My. Knee. Is. In. Pain.

I accidentally hit my knee against the handle of a cabinet under the sink.


I hear a bark.

Bean? Australian Rottie? What's he doing here?

I look under the sink, where the sound is coming from.

And there he is, cute little doggy looking up at me.

He barks.

I hiss in pain as my knee makes contact with the cold floor.

"Corbyn!" I call, unlocking the door as I stand. "Get over here!"

Corbyn bursts through the door.

"What's wrong?" He's quick to ask.

"Bean somehow got under the sink."

Corbyn laughs. "Don't worry. He takes his naps there sometimes."


"Oh, okay. Um... I'm just going to go back out— ACK!" I shriek as my knee hits the door.

Corbyn tries to contain his laughter. "You okay?"

"I am perfectly fine," I say, limping away. I feel him follow me.

I'm about to make a loud entrance but decide to just wait and see how the others are doing.

I stop Corbyn too.

I smile at the scene in front of me. It's changed a little since I've gone.

Some of the group is sleeping.

Zach is. He's sitting on the ground, his head leaning on the couch seat. Joanh's sleeping too, arm on the armrest, head propped up by his arm.

Jack is sitting there, watching the movie. Nik and Hailey are both facing the screen, Hailey on the ground.

Daniel's on a chair, a blanket covering him, his eyes glued to the screen.

Wait... Where's Max?

And then I see her, curled up on Daniel's lap, the blanket covering her, and Daniel holding her securely.

"Aww," I murmur.

"What?" Corbyn asks.

"Daniel and Max," I reply, smiling.

"That's cute," he says.

"Isn't it?" I sigh in happiness.

I slowly make my way forward. I let out a shriek as I forget about my knee.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" I scrunch my nose.

"Are you okay?" Corbyn seems genuinely worried.

"I hit my knee. It still really, really hurts," I tell him.

I don't know how no one else hears me, but they don't move.

"Just give me a minute," I tell Corbyn.

I hum a random tune, trying to get the pain to stop.

3 minutes later, still not working.

"Corbyn?" I ask.

"Mhmm?" he replies.

"Can you... help take me to my room?" I look at him sweetly.

He nods, picking me up bridal style.

I squeal. "Warn me before you do that!"

He chuckles.

I pout, placing my head on his shoulder.

"It still huuuuurts," I whine.

He doesn't reply.

"Why are you walking so quickly? You're going to make me hit my knee again," I complain.

I see him grin. "You'd just be a handicap for a week more. Fine by me."

"You're annoying."

"I figured that out a while ago." 

𝔑𝔞𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔞𝔩//Corbyn Besson//✔︎Where stories live. Discover now