𝑻𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒍𝒆 | CFCU

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Yo! I'm Turtle (TheConfusedTurtle), an aspiring writer, an avid lover of angst, and a passionate language learner. I also have been know to be a frequent user of sarcasm, so consider yourself warned. I'm looking to grow my craft as I'm sure you are, too.

I'm here to pass my wisdom on to you, but please understand that--as with all critiques--you should take the things I say with a grain of salt. Although I wish it was, my knowledge is not infallible.


I'm a lover of all things fantasy and I dabble a bit in sci-fi, adventure, action, and dystopian novels. I'm especially fond of things like dragons, worldbuilding, magic, and a good bit of angst at times. As you can see, high fantasy is my genre of choice. If you're signing up with a book in one of the above genres, I will breathe a sigh of relief. Aside from those, however, I will also read things like fluffy romance, teen fic, and mystery.

Things I will NOT read are fanfiction, non-fiction, poetry, horror, vampire/werewolf, thriller, chick lit, LGBTQ+ focused works, or works with mature/explicit scenes. If you're submitting a book with a few skippable mature scenes, let me know and I can give it some more thought. Please know that I will not accept submissions for these genres. I apologize, but they're either not my area of expertise or not my cup of tea.


All I ask in return is that you read two chapters of one of my books (To Catch A Unicorn OR Of Spellbooks and Thieves) and leave a few comments. Let's say a minimum of five comments per chapter read. They can be reactionary, but please don't leave generic comments. I'll know who you are and I'll frown at you. 

You will also have the option of moving yourself up in the queue by completing extra payment for me. Each time you read and comment after completing the initial payment, a point will be added to your submission and you will move up in the queue. Neat, huh? If you're nodding in agreement, good for you. 

PLEASE DO NOT COMPLETE PAYMENT UNTIL YOUR FORM IS ACCEPTED. I know you're eager to get going, but this is to ensure that you don't do all that reading only to learn that your form is not accepted. Once I accept your form, then you can start working on initial payment and extra points.

How I Review

I'm going to be reading 3 chapters of your book and critiquing the following things:

-Writing Style (includes things like grammar, sentence structure, word choice, etc.)
-Plot (includes things like pacing, enjoyment, originality, etc.)
-My Overall Thoughts/Opinion

Based on my enjoyment of the book or the time I have on hand, I may read a few more chapters, but 3 is the expected minimum. Note that I am not here to sugar coat or simply give you a firm pat on the back, but I'm also not here to tear you down. I'm here to do my best to help you improve and for me to potentially find amazing new books to read. Also to help myself grow as both a writer and a reviewer. By the way, the password is aurum.

When I drop your review, please feel free to talk to me! Ask questions, state your counter opinion in a calm and civil manner, or thank me for doing such an amazing job. I like that last option, it feeds my ego :D

Okay, I was kidding a bit there. But seriously, don't be afraid to talk to me. I don't bite :)


Book Title:
Anything specific you want me to look at during the review?:
Tags (TheConfusedTurtle and any friends. Friends are optional, Turtle is not):


The queue will be broken up into two groups: payment pending and payment completed. Note that I will not start on your review until you have completed your payment. Again, remember that you have the option to move yourself up in the queue by completing extra payment. The person at the top of the queue cannot be passed.

~Payment completed~
*Comment next to your name every time you complete extra payment. Tell me the book and chapter/s read.

  - The Clearing by RogueWriter55

  - Bridge of Worlds by Robinsongbird

  - The Magic Behind Her Eyes by Kitty-Writer

~Payment pending~
*Comment next to your name when you have completed your payment. Tell me the book and chapter/s read.

  - ASHEX by Egwuji

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