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In an abandoned warehouse, Stiles and Natasha are strapped to two chairs while two thugs with a leader known as Georgi Luchkov, former soviet and russian citizen stand in front of them. A large drop is behind the two strapped assassins that can surely put someone to death.

''You know, this was really not what I had in mind.'' Stiles whispers to Natasha. ''Just go along with it.'' She says back. One of the gang members punched Stiles in the face. ''Zamolchi (Shut up).'' He says to him. Stiles just let out a laugh, not bothering about the punch. Natasha however, had to stop herself from killing the man right there.

Russian, English.

''This is not how I wanted this evening to go.'' The Leader said in russian. ''I know how you wanted this evening to go. Believe me this is better.'' Natasha says back. ''Who are you working for? Lermentov, yes?'' The leader asks. ''Does he think we have to go through him to move our cargo?'' One of the members asks, moving forward and tilting them slightly over the edge. Natasha's breath quickens but Stiles knew he could get them out and levitate them to the ground. ''I thought General Solohob is in charge of the export business.'' The leader says. ''Solohab a bagman, a front. Your outdated information betrays you.'' Stiles says. He is also fluent in many languages, especially russian. The thug puts the two back in their position and Natasha sighs in relief. ''The famous Black Widow and she turns out to be simply another pretty face. And The famous Psi turns out to be just a boy.'' The leader says. ''You really think I'm pretty?'' Natasha asks. ''Hey. I'm 20.'' Stiles protests. The leader ignored him and Nat. The same thug from earlier grabs Nat's face and Stiles growls at him. ''Tell Lermentov we don't need him to move the tanks. Tell him he is out. may have to write it down.'' He says in english as he grabs one of the torture equipment.  ''Can't. Fingers are tied, remember dumbass?'' Stiles corrects him. The thug let go of Nat's face and smacked him, making Nat really wanting to kill him.

Suddenly, one of the thug's phone was ringing. He takes it out and answers. ''Hello?'' He asks. Stiles hears some words from the other person and the thug turns to the leader. ''Its for her.'' He says. The leader sets down the torture thingy and takes the phone. ''You listen carefully-'' He starts but was interrupted by someone who Stiles and Nat knew as Agent Coulson. ''You're at 1-14 Silensky Plaza, 3rd floor. We have an F-22 exactly eight miles out. Put the woman and kid on the phone, or I will blow up the block before you can make the lobby.'' The Agent orders. ''I'm and Adult!'' Stiles protests. He hears chuckling in the phone and pouts.

The leader hands the phone to Nat and she had to bend her neck to the side to hold the phone against her shoulder. ''We need you to come in.'' Coulson says bluntly. Stiles widens his eyes. A few months ago him and Nat went on their own crusade, leaving S.H.I.E.L.D behind. What could Nick Fury possibly want now?

''Are you kidding? We're working.'' Nat says. ''This takes precedence.'' Coulson says. ''We're in the middle of an interrogation.'' Nat protests. ''And this moron is giving us everything.'' Stiles adds. The leader looks at him in offense. ''I don't give everything.'' He says. Stiles gave him a ''really'' look. ''Look, you can't pull us out of this right now.'' Nat says. Coulson sighs. ''Nat. Stiles. Barton's been compromised.'' He says and instantly, Stiles and Nat had serious faces on now.

''Let me put you on hold.'' Nat says. The leader grabs the phone but before he could pull away, Nat kicks him in the leg, making him fall on one knee and she headbutts him, making him drop to the floor. The two thugs ran at them and Stiles moves forward, dodging a punch from the 2nd thug before hitting him with the chair strapped to his back. Nat kicks the other one before rolling after him. She hits him in the stomach with her chair on her back knocking him with the chair. She jumps over him and smashes her back onto the floor, breaking the chair and setting her free.

Stiles breaks out his hands with his super strength and the chair falls to the ground. The thug comes at him and he dodges before kicking him back. The thug throws another punch but Stiles catches it and uses his other hand to punch him multiple times in the ribs before punching him in the face, making the man step back. Nat comes from behind him, turns him around to her and jumps on him before flipping him to the ground.

Stiles hears groaning and sees the leader getting up. He grabs a chain that hanged on the ceiling with his left hand while using his right hand to grab and smash the man's head against a metal rail. Stiles lifts the guy's foot up and wraps the chain around his ankle before the man fell down the deep hole. The man stops as the chain kept him from falling all the way down.

Nat grabs the phone on the ground. ''Where's Barton now?'' She asks, Stiles following after her while checking the chained leader. ''We don't know.'' Coulson replies. ''But he's alive?'' Stiles asked. ''We think so. I'll brief you on everything when you get back. But first, we need you to talk to the big guy.'' Coulson says. ''Coulson, you know that Stark trusts me about as far as he can throw me.'' Nat says and Stiles chuckles. He never met Stark but he knows Nat and the billionaire don't get along well. ''I've got Stark. You get the big guy.'' Coulson says. Nat stops before realizing what he meant. She mumbles in a foreign language but Stiles understood what she meant.

''What about me?'' Stiles asks. ''We need you to come to headquarters. We got some news for you.'' Coulson says before hanging up. Stiles looked confused. ''You heard the man. You gotta go while I go speak to the big guy.'' Nat says. ''You'll be fine right?'' Stiles asked. Nat smiled and nodded. ''I'll be fine. Coulson will send you the coordinates. See you back at Shield.'' She says before walking away.

Stiles stared at her for a second before blasting into the sky to where he likes to call the flying ship.

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