"I told you, pay attention and you'll get me after." She kissed the end of his nose, and he felt her fingers tracing shapes up and down his side. "Ready to begin?"

Peter breathed in deeply, looking at her beautiful, sparkling eyes. Then he nodded.

"Good." She sat back up, her core pressing down on his cock, and his stomach tensed as he held back a noise.

She tugged on her shirt, pulled it over her head, and threw it on the floor. Peter's eyes widened as she sat there in a bra, then slowly slid her hands up his chest. He felt tingly, his cock was starting to pulse with want, and he watched her fingertips edging their way up to his nipples.

"Peter, were you listening?" He looked back up at her, to see a smirk on her lips. Fuck. He already failed. She had been talking the entire time and he completely missed it. "I said that you have to pay attention."

He shook his head honestly, and she tutted in response. He blinked as her fingers circled round his nipples, then she squeezed one roughly. Peter yelped, as best as he could whilst gagged, then the pain subsided quickly and his body just rippled with a shiver.

Did he like that?

All he knew was that if she did it again, he wouldn't be opposed.

"Listen this time." She said sternly, and he nodded straight away. She began moving her fingers across his skin again, but he stared at her eyes, forcing himself to listen. "I said, that I always thought we had fun, would you agree?"

Did he agree? It was hard to focus on that while her finger was running around his nipple, and he was kind of wishing she would pull it again.

Peter nodded, hopefully quick enough to show he was listening.

"So, I first met you crashing into your room testing Tony's suit. Then as I met more of the team, you were always just leaving. I got you to spend lunches with us, movie nights, then Bucky said he thought you had a crush on me, you visited me in the lab, we kiss..." She paused, and Peter watched her eyebrows crease in the middle ever so slightly. Her fingers trailed up to his collarbone, her mouth getting closer to his as she laid on top of him. "After you kissed me, I realised I liked you too."

Peter wanted to respond, so badly, but between hearing the words and her body on him, his brain wasn't working properly in telling his body to move. All he could do was watch her face, and feel her touch on his skin.

"I loved texting you, because despite Tony saying we couldn't see each other, because you made my day better. Yeah, you were nervous, I could always tell, especially when I snuck into your room," She sat up then, her hands sliding down to his stomach. He tried to arch his back, move his hips away from her, but it didn't work. "But I kinda liked that. I could tell you weren't playing games, I knew what you were thinking. The texts dropped off, yeah, but I knew you had a mission coming up so I didn't push you. The next thing I know, I'm in the pool, and you're saying you don't want to carry anything on."

Peter looked away. Sure, when she explained it like that, it sounded like he broke up with her for no reason.

"Peter?" She asked, but he just stared at the wall.

She rolled her hips purposefully, her core rubbing over his cock, and his eyes instinctively closed, his throat rumbling with a moan. The sensation licked up his spine, and he pulled at his restraints with a bit more force.

"Peter," She purred against, rocking against him until he finally looked at her. She smiled. "Good boy." His stomach lurched in desire, and his cock throbbed with the praise.

Luka shuffled back, her hands going to the top of his sweatpants, and Peter suddenly tried to sit up. She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Want me to stop?" She asked.

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