Chapter-1. Meira

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I woke up around 6:00 in the morning though  I still had an hour for my daily routine to start I couldn’t fall asleep again.
I just laid there on my bed, though I had whole 7 hours of sleep I still felt tired, maybe the drinks I had last night is the reason for my laziness this early in the morning.
 After around 40 minutes I stood up and changed into some warm clothes. The weather here in Canada is quite cold during December. I put on some shoes and walked out of my house. I usually do not go out on morning walks, but today my house felt too empty to me. It lacked something or maybe someone I guess.
//Someone whom I don’t know yet, but now this idea of having someone too close to myself scared me.//
I walked on the pavement beside the road. On the other side I saw a young girl maybe around 10-12 years old with her father walking beside her, she was giggling while holding her father's hand. Looking at them reminded of when I and my father used to go cycling on the early weekend mornings. A faint smile that came onto my face disappeared soon as the things that happened after that, the things that led me to be here, away from my country came up into my mind.
I pushed away all of my thoughts. It was already 8:45 AM. I turned around and headed back towards my house. After an hour or so I got ready and headed towards my car. I  drove to my workplace more precisely to the K&K hotel, restaurant and bar.
People greeted me as I entered the door. I walked towards my office and as I took my seat a knock was heard from the door. Mrs Wilson, a woman in her early 40s and our manager came in.

“I bought some coffee for you. I know you don’t like it much, but have it please we have to go attend the meeting in an hour and we can’t have you sulking.”

“You know I never do so and wait, why are we even calling it a meeting? When it’s just around 3 to 4 people. And I’ll just have to go sit there.”

She rolled her eyes and stood there staring at me.

“Okay, I’ll have the coffee now, stop pestering me it’s still too early to do so.”

 She just smiled at me and left the office.

And just after around 15 minutes, I saw Veer entering my office with a smile on his face

“Don’t you think you should knock before welcoming yourself in?”

“Says the one who always barges in my room whenever she wants to.”

“What brings you here Veer?”

I sang like a sing-song.

“Just the fact that you haven’t had your breakfast till yet and both Mom and I knew it well, and also the fact that Mrs Wilson would have bought you coffee, which may give you Loose motions if you’ll have it empty stomach because you have a sensitive stomach and we both know what happened last time when we were out on the trip and-“

“Shut up Veer”

I stopped him before he could continue any more, but surely this guy has some speed when I comes to talking.

He sat on the chair and let out a chuckle and started opening the lunch box he brought with him.

“Sometimes I forget that you are my brother when you act all caring and nice, but then you say some stupid shit and clarify the point that you are a dumbass.”

“That’s not the way you talk to your elder brother.”

“You’re just a year older.”

“Well now shut up and have food Mir.”

I started having my breakfast when Veer said

“Mom made it for you, so finish it all Otherwise, she will scold me, Okay? And come home in the evening.”


“Aadya wants to go shopping with you.”

“But yesterday she told me that she will go with  aunt.”

“Mom is busy, so I guess you’ll have to go with her.”


“And after that, let’s go for dinner, a celebratory dinner for me being your official coworker.”


“What’s with the short replies, huh?”

I just smiled and shrugged at him.

He Suddenly looked towards his watch and said

“ Let’s go, Dad would be here soon.”

We both stood up from our seats and went towards Veer’s office. Just after a few minutes Veer's dad and my uncle and the vice president of K&K chains of the hotel came in. We both stood up to greet him.
He hugged both of us and asked us how we were and how was everything in the office. I briefed him about everything as they both sat there listening to me.
After all that Mrs Wilson came into the office with a file in her hand. She looked at Veer and smiled, he reciprocated her action.

The papers were about terminating his position from being Managing Director of K&K on the other side of the city to the one here, near our home.
I was happy as I knew that now I would be able to meet him more often and I wouldn’t have to hear him complaining about how he doesn’t like the food over there and misses the food made by his mother and also how he missed having a drink with me.

Veer is my best friend and cousin, both in one. He has always supported me even at the time when no one was standing beside me and now he will also be my coworker.

I came out of my thoughts when I heard Mrs Wilson asking Veer to sign the papers.

“Sign it here and here Mr Virat.”

He signed and closed the file.


So here’s the 1st chapter, sorry for posting it this late, wattpad messed it up a bit when I posted it before.

I know this chapter might seem a bit boring, but trust me it’s gonna get all interesting soon.

For the first 2 chapters, I’ll be concentrating on our female protagonist and important people in her life.

Also, about characters

-          Meira Khurana (Mir)
Female protagonist
23 years old
Managing Director of K&K restaurant and bar

-          Virat Khurana (Veer)
Meira's Cousin brother
24 years old
Managing Director of K&K hotel

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Thank you for reading!😄

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