"I'll go check on you mother. See you both in a bit." Ariendra said before slipping through the door.

  "Why is her face red?" Blaise asked him. "Where you guys going to-"

  "You best shut your fucking mouth before I personally seal it shut." Draco interrupted him.


  Catherine huffed, blowing a breath trying to get the strand of hair away from her face. Malfoy was complaining about their sleeping arrangements for the past 15 minutes and it chewed her ear right off. Merlin, he can be so bossy.

  "It's final you are not sleeping on a fucking chair." He stated. He was sitting on the far side of the bed away from him. Catherine was still standing up with her arms crossed against her chest trying to look tough.

  "I sleep on chairs all the time." She told him. It's true, she mastered the act of being able to fall asleep anywhere ever since she became a trainee healer. "I'm just here to observe you for every couple hours. This is not a sleepover." 

  "You are not sleeping on a chair, Ariendra. Not when I have a big ass bed." He gestured towards his king size bed

  "Fine then I'll take the couch." She pointed towards the multiple giant plush couch in his bedroom.

  "Like fucking hell you will." He moved to get closer to her on the bed. He leaned forward and took her wrist again, pulling her into the bed.

  "Malfoy!" She shrieked.

  She ended up lying down on his bed. With him right beside her.

  Merlin, have mercy.

  "Just sleep there. I'll scoot away on the far corner and we don't have to face each other if you want." He tucked her in, pulling the blanket over her body before moving to the far corner. Catherine suddenly felt cold. Malfoy, reached over for his wand on the nightstand and turned the lights off. "Go to sleep, Ariendra."


  Catherine knew this was a dream, because it was too good to be true.

  She was in a field of sunflowers, lying down on the bed of soft grass. The smell of fresh air mixed with sweet pollen hit her nose and the sun was like a beautiful golden ball illuminating her face. Her head rested on her mother's chest while she hugged her tight. Her mother hummed a song in her ear and blew a kiss on the top of her head.

  This is heaven, she thought. If she were to spend the rest of her life stuck in one single moment, this would be it.

  Catherine looked up to see her mothers face and she was horrified.

  Her mothers eye was void of all life, staring blankly at the air. Her face was covered in blood that was dripping down towards the side of her neck. Her skin white as a sheet. Catherine moved her hand to wake her up and found her own hand covered in blood that was seeping from a wound in her abdomen.

  Catherine's whole body shook. Her mouth was opened wide and she felt like she was screaming but no sound came out.

  "Ariendra!" Malfoy screamed beside him. He was hovering above him shaking her body, willing her to wake up.

  Catherine jolted awake, gasping for air. She looked around and realised she was still on Malfoy's bed. Her eyes were frantic until they connected to him.

  "You're okay." He assured her. "You're with me and you're okay."

  She nodded slowly. Running her hands over her face realising her cheeks were wet and her throat hurt. "I woke you up I'm sorry, I should be the one taking care of you-"

  "Stop." he told her. He slowly pushed her back onto the bed, pulling the blankets back up to cover her body. They were now lying down side-by-side, facing each other. "You just scared me."

Healing // d.m.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon