Chapter 17: Spinning - Amy

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When I wake up, I'm all alone, wrapped up in a giant red and gold canopy bed. My mind is spinning as I try to figure out where I am and what just happened to me. Laying here, I'm so tired and my mind keeps drifting off.

Focus, Amy! Jesus, this is important. First, Vin was there, and we were in the cell making love on that cot. Then Vin was gone, and Jay was with me. Wait, they both were there... What just happened? Was it a dream? The surgical room...

"There were doctors and nurses. Jesus Christ, what the hell happened to me?" I whisper.

My heart is beating so fast, and I'm so confused.

Where am I and what did they do to me? Breathe Amy and focus on the here and now. I need clarity and to calm myself down. Anxiety fills me up as I look around.

I whisper, "Okay, I'm no longer in a cell or a surgical room, and somehow, I've been transported to a very lavish bedroom. It's a mixture of Victorian styles, elegant, but kind of gaudy as well. The entire room is done in red velvet, gold satin trim, red silk sheets. Shit, am I at a hotel?"

Trying to sit up, I realize that my arms and legs are strapped to the four-poster bed. Everything hurts, from my head to my toes. My body is on fire and I can't move.

While feeling the panic rise inside of me again, I realize that I'm not alone in this room any longer. Someone just came in here.

Oh God, what are they going to do to me now?

Pretending to be sleeping, I wait as the person comes near.

If they release me, I will kick and bite while screaming my head off. Not the best plan, but it's all I've got at the moment. Jesus, please don't hurt me...

"Amy, wake up. Sweetheart, please... It's me, it's Paul. We need to get you out of here. Amy, please wake up." He whispers urgently.

I know his voice, so I open my eyes at his request.

"You're alive! Oh, thank God, Paul. Get me out of here." I whisper excitedly as he unties my confines.

My wrists are cut and bruised. Looking at them, makes me wonder if that all happened. I'm so confused and disorientated that it's hard to know for sure.

When he removes the thick red and gold bedspread, the cold air hits my skin and a shiver runs through me. I'm naked, so he quickly hands me some dark blue scrubs to put on. My body is tired and I am moving so slowly.

Paul sits me up, puts the shirt over my head, and helps me get my arms through as quickly as he can. Laying back down, I look at the mirrored ceiling as the room spins out of control.

"It's okay, Amy. They drugged you, but it will wear off soon, hopefully. I need you to sit up again, sweetheart." Paul says as I pull on the gold silk canopy drapes.

My body is waking up, so I try to stand, but Paul tells me to wait, while he slips on my pants and helps me to my feet. As I do, his shirt pulls down and I see his bandaged wound.

"Paul, you were shot in the chest," I say as he nods and pulls me to him.

"Yes, Amy, now come on. It hurt quite a bit, so I do not recommend it. We need to get you out of here before they come back and finish the job. While searching the hospital video feed, I saw your dad, Dave, and Beth searching through the rooms upstairs. They must know the way out of here, so we are going to get to them as fast as we can." Paul says as he helps me up and then into the wheelchair.

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