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Damon drove me home and we were both so tired we didn't really speak until he pulled into the parking lot. "Get some sleep and be good on your date tomorrow."

"I don't know if I'm going." I mumbled.

"So I was right."

"About?" I asked opening the door to get out.

"You still loving Lucy."

"I don't."

"Why else would you cancel your date?"

"I'm tired." I snapped and he threw up his hands.

"Ok, good night." I went into my apartment and didn't think about anything, I didn't even make it to my bed. I crashed on the couch and was out like a light.

I walked into the restaurant and glanced around, once I caught eyes with Andy I smiled and went over to her. "Hey." She smiled getting up and kissing my cheek lightly before I sat down.

"Hey." I sat down and was happy I didn't cancel.

"How was work?"

"Horrible and I would prefer if we talk about something- anything else."

"I'm sorry."

"It's ok, how was work for you yesterday?"

"Well I was only there for a few hours because me and the chief are going through some resumes, a couple of people are leaving. It wouldn't be so bad but it's one of the medics and one of the guys on engine who could have covered the girl's place and then another guy on engine is leaving for his wife to have a baby and she wants him to quit because it's to 'dangerous'. They have literally been married a week and a half, he moved here from Arkansas and hooked up with her, got her pregnant and now they're married so his family don't find out-" she stopped and looked up at me. "I'm sorry I'm blabbering."

"I don't mind." I smiled. "I promise, it's refreshing."

"Sorry lady's, what can I get you." A waitress said coming out of thin air.

"You first." Andy gestured to me.

"Could I get a coffee and waffles please?"

"Sure thing, anything on then?"

"Just butter." I smiled.

"And your coffee?"

"Three sugar."

"Perfect, and you?" She turned to Andy.

"Can I get a tea and pancakes?"

"Sure thing, in your tea?"

"Two sugar please."

"And plane pancakes?" She nodded. "Perfect, I'll be right back with your tea and coffee."

"How can you have pancakes when waffles are an option." I asked and she smiled.

"Everyone knows pancakes are superior."

"You my dear are wrong," I said crossing my arms with a smile. She just smiled at me for a second and once we got our drink she looked over at me and took my hand in hers.

"Tell me about your family."

"Um, there's not much to tell. Parents are split up, haven't talked to my father in... almost two years. Haven't talked to my mom since then either I don't think."

"I'm sorry, any siblings?"

"Um... I had a younger brother."

"Had." She said quietly.

"He died... almost two years ago I think."

"I'm so sorry."

"It's fine... I just have never talked about him."

"Sometimes it helps." She squeezed my hand lightly.

"I was 4 months old when mom got pregnant for him, her and dad um... fought a lot so he was born early and we were exactly 11 months apart. He was eighteen when he-" I took a sip of my coffee. "He killed himself, and a few months later I turned 19, graduated from the real estate course I took and moved to LA. The rest is history."

"I'm so sorry."

"Don't be... I hate being a Debby downer so tell me about you." I forced a smile and the waitress showed up with food.

"Well," she said taking a bite of her pancake. "My parents just celebrated their 28th wedding anniversary, I'm an only child except for my mom's black lab who is the golden child since I started at the n.y.f.d."

"Your mom didn't want you being a firefighter?"

"God no, I was supposed to be married by now with a bunch and kids in the hills of Idaho."

"Mormons." I said.

"Mormons." She nodded.

"And now you're a gay firefighter."

"Well, she doesn't exactly know about the whole gay thing yet. I figured I'm never going to marry anyways so what she doesn't know won't hurt her."

"You never want to get married?"

"No." She shook her head. "It's a piece of paper from city hall saying we're supposed to be together forever? No."

"Are your parents not happy together?"

"There disgustingly happy, high-school sweethearts and all. I was their honeymoon baby, the whole 9 years of perfect." She rolled her eyes.

"I read so much I just turned into a hopeless romantic from a young age, but the past year..." I stopped as I thought of Lucy, she got Kim out of her life for me... did she expect us to... stay together. "I'm just Destin for a broken heart ya know."

"How's everything?" The waitress asked.

"Could we got a round of mimosas?" Andy smiled.

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