I've always only washed my hair once a week and when Jackie and I started living together she started only washing her hair once a week and she says her hair's never been healthier.

After our shower, the two of us get out, dry off, do our morning routine's, then we head back to the bedroom part of our suite and get dressed for today.

"Is that gonna be warm enough?" Jackie asks when she see's me put on my Man United Cristiano Ronaldo jersey.

"I'm gonna be inside Boo Bear." I say. "If I leave the hotel then I'll grab a jacket."

"Good." Jackie says.

I chuckle at my girlfriend then I kiss her head and finish getting dressed.

Once Jackie and I are dressed we wake up my service dog with some belly rubs.

"Nala." I whisper. "It's time to get up Baby."

Nala whines as she wakes up then she has a big stretch.

"Big Stretch." Jackie says.

After Nala stretches she smiles at us then she sits down.

"You ready?" I ask.

Nala yips then spins around making my soulmate and I chuckle.

"You're so cute." Jackie says as I put Nala's harness on her.

Once Nala's harnessed, Jackie and I grab our things we'll need for today then we leave the room and head down stairs.

"Bye Baba." Jackie says when we reach the lobby.

"Bye Baby." I say then I kiss the woman I intend to marry, have kids with, and grow old with.

After Jackie and I kiss, my girlfriend pets Nala then she and her dutch teammates leave the hotel while Nala and I head to the team conference room.

"We're here." I say as Nala and I walk into the room.

"Hey Bubba." Mama says then she and my other Mom's hug me.

"Kimora we need to mic you up then we'll get started." One of the team media people says.

"Alright." I say then the media people mic me up.

My Mom's and I are doing a how well do you know Kimora quiz video for the National team YouTube.

Once I'm mic'd up, my mom's, Nala, and I go sit in front of the camera.

"Come here girl." I say as I lift Nala into my lap.

Nala smiles at me then she lays down in my lap.

"Good girl." I say as I pet Nala's head.

"Ready when you are." Someone says then Mommy intro's the video.

After Mommy intro's the video My Moms look at me.

"First question." I say. "Besides Cristiano Ronaldo, who is my favorite footballer of all time?"

"Male or female?" Mom asks.

"Besides Cristiano Ronaldo, who is my favorite footballer of all time?" I repeat.

My Moms look at me then they scribble their answers down on their white boards.

"Your answer Mom" I say.

"Alex Scott?" Mom says.


"Patrice Evra?"


"Phillip Lahm?"

"Point Mama." I say.

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