"right, sorry, mija. but do you?"

the girl loudly sighed and leaned against her chair. "no, mami. i don't like any boys."



"fine, fine, we'll talk about something else." her mother looked down to cover her laughter, setting down her fork after. "why don't you tell us why you didn't save us?"

samantha stopped chewing her food. "...what?"

lucia had abruptly stopped laughing now, and rose her head to look straight at her daughter. "why didn't you save us, samantha?"

"mateo..." samantha began to say until she saw the similar look her mother had in her brother's face. they both looked numb. blank. emotionless yet also seemed to have emotions rushing in their eyes.

"why didn't you save us, samantha?" mateo repeated, staring into her frightened eyes.

and when she blinked, mateo and her mother's body were covered in blood, bit marks on mateo's arms and rope burns around lucia's neck.

samantha shook her head. "no, no.""

"you did this!"

samantha covered her ears and squeezed her eyes tight. "you're not real, just leave me alone."

"it's all your fault!"

"leave me alone!"

samantha woke with gasp, taking in rushed breaths to try and get air into her lungs. she looked around her at the unfamiliar setting before remembering where she was.

'haven't gotten those nightmares since i arrived at the prison.' samantha thought as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

hearing small whimpers from the front seat, samantha looked over to find michonne turning in her sleep, inaudible mutters coming out of her mouth.

"mich?" samantha whispered at first as she lightly shook the woman's shoulder, not wanting to frighten her. but when she didn't wake, samantha spoke louder and shook her shoulder more. "michonne, wake up."

the dark toned woman awoke with start, panting and her eyes darting everywhere before landing on samantha's worried expression. "you were having a nightmare. are you okay?" samantha's voice was soft as she spoke, as if the slightest bit of loudness would alert everyone and everything near by, and expose their fears.

michonne nodded quickly. "yeah. yeah, i'm fine, sam." she assured - not sure if she was telling herself or the girl - and tried to calm her racing heart. "what about you? did you have a nightmare? you have sweat going down your forehead."

samantha hadn't seemed to notice it when she had woken up, and wiped it away along with the sweat on her neck. "uh, yeah, i did."

"you wanna talk about it?"

samantha hesitated before shaking her head and putting away her journal in her backpack. "it was of my family. before everything went down. it was nice at first but then turned dark quick." she curtly replied. "what about you?"

(ON HOLD) ɪ ᴄᴀɴᴛ ʜᴀɴᴅʟᴇ ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇ, ᶜ·︎ ᵍʳᶦᵐᵉˢWhere stories live. Discover now