Chapter 19 - MAE DAY

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"You're not kidding are you?" I whispered back as I hugged her tight for comfort.

"No, I will avenge your sister for you and others I suspect she has had a hand in," she said sounding resolved to the action.

"I think I am nervous because I don't know how to claim Lee," I admitted. "What do I do?"

"Picture me and Stephanie stood either side of a bed with Bowdie in it. I announce I am carrying his heir and state my claim," she said putting her hand out as though to touch the imaginary Bowdie.

"Heir," I said looking down at my stomach.


"Isn't Suri his heir?" I asked confused.

"She is your child not his, she is female and its more complicated than you would understand, given your human," she said trying not to stutter over the human word.

"I don't feel human," I said referring to my no sleep status. "Maybe Lee needs to marry a non human. I doubt Stephanie is human so how can I compare with that surely others will support her claim over mine."

"Don't back down! If she is there and eyeballs you, go all primal on her ass and claim Lee as your own. You have more claim to him than her, you are with child. Do the same as your sister did with Glenn. She didn't back down and you won't either."

"My sister laid claim," I was gobsmacked.

"Yep and she was pretty intimidating," she said making me laugh with pride. "So get out there and claim the man she wanted for you. Rumour has it that had you been at the wedding you would be with Lee but you got mysteriously ill and didn't make it, leaving Stephanie open to claim him as soon as the wedding was done. Had you attended and shown an interest there is no way Lee would have agreed to step into the breech for Glenn and some other mug would be marrying her."

"Wait... are you saying my sister had inside knowledge that I would be with Lee before I got ill."

"Your sister was going through some changes it happens with pregnancy especially when you are not human. She developed the ability to foresee things and know the right path for someone to take. Unfortunately she couldn't see her own fate. She saw you with Lee as clear as day. Rema thinks it is because you were her only real link to the human world and she was worried about leaving you behind so when she saw it she was obsessed with it. She said it was like watching her favourite scene in a movie where they couple fall in love, she wanted to see your face when you met Lee just so she could watch it again. She said in her visions which are a bit like day dreaming but more vivid, he watched you playing with Suri, you were dancing with her all night and let her walk down the Aisle with you because she wanted to be maid of honour and you were nervous so happy of the company. You sat with them at the table for the meal, where Lee stole some of your food and Suri complained about things with peas in. She said you talked so easily it was like you had known each other for years. You were dancing and singing, sharing your cheesecake with him and Suri fell asleep on your lap not his. You carried her to bed with him and didn't come back to the party. She thinks you ended up in bed with Lee as she saw Glenn knocking the bedroom door and your clothes were all over the floor and you were still in bed. She didn't see your face but would recognised your bed hair any where. She thinks he may have very briefly kissed you on the dance floor before remembering where he was and gathering his senses, but she was 100% convinced he was the match for you and Rema believed her. Rema could see traces of an altered history when she read you earlier, she thinks someone made you ill and miss the wedding. Now it is time to set you back on track. I want the next party we attend to hear you announced as 'Mr and Mrs Lee Grayson and their children'."

I smiled. "That sounds idyllic," I replied.

"Anything is better than living in this hell," she sighed and turned to take the baby from Bowdie.

"Your chariot awaits," Bowdie announced.

"I've never been on a helicopter will I puke?" I asked.

"There are sick bags on board," he replied. In other words 'probably.'

"Can you please help Suri read the note?" I asked Carla. "She has separation anxiety. If she gets really bad, wrap her in a blanket like a glow worm and rock her..."

"Don't worry just go get her daddy," she replied.

The helicopter was noisy so it was being flown from a few fields away to save waking the house. I ducked to board with Bowdie keeping his hand on my head to ensure I was staying below the blades. He strapped me in and handed me a sick bag. I felt like I was ready for a ride at a theme park.

Uncle was flying so I felt a bit better. "Here suck a sweet," he said passing me on.

As we took off I held on to the side of my seat and tried not to panic. My mouth on the other hand was in full flow... sweet or not I was swearing up a storm.

"Don't close your eyes or you will feel worse," Bowdie said through the headset.

"I guess this is a bad time to tell you I'm scared of heights and flying," I replied.

"We will be there soon," Uncle replied laughing over the headset. "Rema how are things looking?" he asked.

"Dark, I think he is unconscious," she replied.

"Good, that gives us more time," Uncle replied.

I got used to the motion and noise of the helicopter and actually started to enjoy it. Bowdie pointed things out and I cheekily demanded another cherry flavoured sweet from Uncle. By the time we arrived at our destination I was quite chilled. We got out of the helicopter and there were two motor bikes ready. Oh my god... I hadn't been on one since I was a teenager.

"Gloves, helmet, and jacket zipped up tight," Bowdie said checking me.

"Bloody hell this helmet is heavy," I said.

"Just hold on to me, when I turn a corner lean in gently with me," he said and I nodded.

The bike wobbled a little at first and I swore again as I watched Uncle take off ahead with Rema at lightening speed. I held on so tight I was surprised Bowdie could breath. At the next set of lights he told me to loosen up... yep I was killing him. Uncle was already there when we arrived and helped me off the bike. I was shaking like a leaf. Helicopters, motor bikes and mad dashes to face off to my archenemy had not been on my list of things to do today and I was terrified, but ready to battle.

As we walked inside the hospital I became far too hot in my jacket and struggled out of it. All the while going over in my head things to say, and how to say it, 'I'm pregnant', 'We are having a baby', 'Do you remember making me forget sex well I'm pregnant'... none of it seemed the right thing to say.

"What do I say?" I asked Rema in the lift.

She shook her head and seemed to be concentrating elsewhere.

"Let me do the talking," Uncle replied as we walked out.

My steps faltered a little but Bowdie placed a hand on my hip to guide me along so I didn't chicken out and bolt for the door.

"Lee Grayson?" Uncle asked a nurse at the station.

"Room 4," she replied. "Only one visitor at a time..."

She called but was ignored.

"Put your game face on," Bowdie whispered.

Instead of feeling brave like I had a few minutes ago, I wanted to turn and run.

"Mae! Pull yourself together," Uncle snapped. "Lee is in there fighting for his life. Suri has been hurt. Stephanie has threatened you and the children on more than one occasion. Your sister and her husband are dead which you suspect is at her hands so get in there and claim him before she returns to do it herself," he growled.

He pushed open the door and everyone stopped in shock, there she was back from the dead already 'Stephanie'.

MAE DAY (Book 1 COMPLETE) (Book 2 in progress on Wattpad)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora