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Kirishima POV

I stare at the two big letters on the front of the school building. 'Do I really wanna go in today? I can just skip and no one would notice. Then again, Mom would yell at me, and Mother would be dissapointed again... Ugh. I guess I'll suffer.'

As I open the double doors, the noise of everyone talking and gossiping hurts my ears. I quickly put my earbuds in and put on some music to keep me from walking out right then and there. Once that's done, I make a beeline for my locker.

Once I get to the locker, I feel arms wrap around my neck. I instantly know who it is, without even needing to look.

"Hey Mina. Can you let me go? You're kinda choking me." I say, glancing to the side. She removes her hands and I spin around to face her. Her dark brown skin is practically shining, considering how she probably used her body polish this morning while getting ready. Her huge grin matches the happiness radiating from her yellow eyes, and her short brown/pink hair blows in the wind from someone else walking into the building.

"Oh, sorry about that, I'm just super happy to see you! It sucks we couldn't talk all last week!" She exclaims excitedly, practically bouncing in place. "I guess, how was your break?" I say calmly, turning back around to unpack my school materials from my bag. "It was SO fun! I went on a cruise line, and I'm positive I got a tan." She says, wrapping am arm around my shoulder as I start to finish unpacking.

"Really? That's cool!" I say, not really knowing how to respond. I finally grab my binder and close the locker, turning back to Mina.

"Yeah! See, look!" She says, pulling part of her shirt away from her shoulders. Sure enough, there's a visible line that's lighter than the rest of her body.

"Yep that's definitely a tan. You're so lucky sometimes, my break was boring as always." I say, obviously jealous that she was able to go so far and have so much fun. "Yeah, but I'm sure your mom made some killer brownies like usual!" Mina exclaims. "Yep, I can never get enough of those."

The bell starts ringing, and Mina and I make our way to our class.

Bakugou POV

I couldn't be bothered to go into that damn school today, but the damn hag is watching me from the car. "Well what are you waiting for you brat?" She says, laughing a bit. "Go in."

This bitch.

I flip her off from behind as I walk into the building. As I walk in, I notice the usual. The girls watching me walk by, and a hell of a lot of noise. I try to walk faster, but a yell stops me.

"Kacchan!!! Come over here!"

Ugh. Deku again. I reluctantly walk over to where he's calling me from, and of course, the frozen hot pocket is here as well. "Kacchan, you have to try to get here earlier! Class is starting in 2 minutes!" I roll my eyes and look away, not willing to stand his shit today. Icy-Hot looks bored as always, holding his binder against his chest and walking at a slightly slower speed than me and Deku. As I'm about to talk, the bell rings. Deku grabs ahold of my arm and practically drags me out of the class. "Oi! Let go of me you fuckwad!"

Lockdown - A KiriBaku FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon