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Kirishima POV

"Mina..!" I say to myself as I run to the girl in the corner. "Mina! Okay, take a few deep breaths for me alright?" I say, panicked. What the fuck do I do here?! Mina's head starts twitching a bit, and she eventually turns to me. Half of her face is covered in blood, and tears are streaming down her face. She mouths something, and then blacks out.

'Help. Please.'

I sigh and attempt to pick her up. I'm cautious about it, making sure I don't mess up any of her vitals more than they're already messed up. Once I have Mina in a safe hold, I turn to Bakugou. He's also holding the freckled kid, and he looks like he's fighting his concerned look. I sigh and walk out, all of my attention redirected to my unconscious friend in my arms.

When I walk out the doors, I see several ambulances and some still driving in. I also spot my teacher leaning against the wall.

"A-Aizawa! I need help! Mina and about 5 other students were stabbed in the room. I'm trying to carry everyone out now, and Bakugou's helping." Aizawa looks at Mina and slowly takes her in his arms. His face radiates the energy of someone that just watched a mass shooting of his family. He looks terrified, but angry at the same time. "Thank you Kirishima. Luckily we have more ambulances. Do you and Bakugou need help getting everyone?" He says, obviously choking back tears. "No, it's fine. We got it." I say as Bakugou walks out of the building holding the green-haired boy. Aizawa points him to an empty ambulance, to which Bakugou nods and walks over. "I'll deal with Mina. Go get the rest."

As I walk back, I notice how many students are in pain. I cringe at the smell of the blood as I approach a green haired girl with her hair tied in a bow behind her back. She seems to have been shot by a stray bullet. Hopefully I can get everyone out before they succumb to the pain.

I carry the girl out, then I carry out the rest. One girl had a name tag saying "Hagakure". She was also shot through the wall. There was a girl with short purple hair laying on the ground, but she got lucky. She was only stabbed once from what I can see. Another student nearby was stabbed twice and sitting upright against a wall. She had black hair, most pulled into a ponytail and one strand out. Eventually, everyone was gone and the only memory of what happened were bloodstains all over the walls and floor.

Eventually, I had to pack up and leave. The hallways had a lot of students, but it was quiet. Considering what just happened, it makes sense. I silently grab my bag from my locker and close the door. I walk out as quickly as I can, putting my headphones back into my ears. When I get outside, Fukune is waiting for me. I make a beeline for her and she notices me, a sympathetic smile setting in on her face.

"Hey bro. I heard what happened. Let's go home and get you cleaned up, I don't think you're in the place mentally to help yourself." I nod slowly and walk by her as she grabs my hand, practically dragging me to the car. Once I get in, Mother looks at me.

"You were brave you know? Taking Mina to get some help. She would've died a lot faster if you hadn't. Good job kid." Mother says, messing with my hair a bit. Mom turns around and smiles as well. "You're a hero. I'm so proud. But for now, I think you need some sleep and a new uniform. Maybe brownies?" Mom says, passing me a box of warm brownies. She must've just finished these. "...Thanks Mom. Thanks Mother." I say before taking a bite of the brownie. I look over at Fukune, and she's practically throwing some brownies down her throat, already finished with two. Fukune looks up at us, face slightly red and cheeks puffed with a few crumbs on her. My parents start laughing and I smile for the first time since hearing the first announcement.

I step into my house and sigh. I need some water, and I need it now. Mom taps me on the shoulder, and I turn around. "How about some hot cocoa? It might help you fall asleep easier." I nod slowly and go up to my room. Once I get there, I look at myself in the mirror. I have bloodstains all over my school uniform and my hair is a mess. My eyes are dry and slightly red, and my face shows sadness and exhaust. I sigh and take off my uniform, replacing it with a dragon onesie that I had gotten on Christmas.

I lay down in my bed and put a movie on the tv. The movie is quiet, so I can fall asleep anytime I need to. As if on cue, as the movie starts, Mother knocks on my bedroom door.

"It's open, come in." I say, sounding a lot more moody than intended. Mother walks in and puts the hot cocoa on my nightstand before messing up my hair again. "I'll let you rest now bud. If you want, Snow is downstairs. I can grab her for you." My eyes light up at this. "Yes please!" I exclaim. Mother smiles and kisses me on the forehead before walking out. Seconds later, she walks back in holding a white stuffed bear. She tucks Snow in next to me and leaves, waving behind her. I wrap my arms around the big bear, and drift off to sleep.

-To Be Continued-

A/N: Forgot to post it lol- But that's another chapter! This one was shorter than the last one...like a lot shorter. But whatever, this is the best start to a fanfic I've had in a while. Only about 970 words. The next chapter should be at least a bit longer. Bye everyone, see you in the next chapter!

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