6. Leigh-Anne Pinnock ft. Jade Thirlwall

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Little Mix were hosting a big party with family and friends to celebrate the opening of their new fashion line

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Little Mix were hosting a big party with family and friends to celebrate the opening of their new fashion line. As you and Leigh-Anne were dating, you were invited to attend as her plus one and you had every intention of going until your boss had called you and had sent you overseas for a couple of weeks to work.

Letting Leigh down was the hardest thing for you and you hated doing it but if you didn't agree to go on this business trip, your boss would more than likely fire you. You knew it. He had it in for you and all the girls could see it just as much as you did. And Leigh always begged you to leave and find another job because it was starting to make you miserable.

You packed a suitcase, said a quick goodbye to Leigh, wiping one of her tears away before briefly and awkwardly giving her a kiss on the cheek. Although you were both dating, it was still early days and this was the first time your lips touched her soft skin.

"I'll be back in just a couple of weeks and then I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"I'm gonna miss you Y/N." She said with a sad pout.

"I'm gonna miss you too, honestly. But I'm just at the other end of the phone. Call me whenever you feel like missing me gets too much."

"I can call any time?"

"Anytime." I smiled whilst confirming. "Even if it's 4am and you can't sleep. I'll pick up the phone and keep you virtual company."

You were now in Paris. The party back in London was going well, as you could tell from the girls social media stories. And you were only kicking yourself with jealousy because you wanted to be there. With Leigh-Anne.

All of a sudden, your phone began to ring and Leigh's angelic face lit up your screen. It was a FaceTime call. You answered as you promised.

"Hey you." You try to smile to hide the feeling of loneliness. Seeing her beautiful face and perfect curls only somehow made the feeling of emptiness much stronger.

"Hi babe. How are you? And how's France?"

"I'm fine." You try not to get into conversation about yourself as you didn't want Leigh getting worried or upset. "How about you? How's the party going?"

"It's great." And with that, a drunken Jade stumbled up to her and put her arm around her waist, smiling as she rested her head on Leigh's shoulder.

"Y/N! You should be here." Jade smiles before she started singing softly to the music.

Your attention then landed back onto Leigh-Anne. Her sad pout looked familiar. It was the same pout she was wearing the other day when you had to leaved so quickly. "I miss you Y/N. I really wish you were here."

"Don't look like that, it's only making me feel worse." Your head lowered as you dropped your gaze to the hotel room floor.

"Babe... wait, what? Somethings not right. You're not okay." You heard her say and all you could do was sigh in return.

She carefully pulled Jade off her then moved to a room where she was alone.



"Look at me."

Her eyes saddened even more when I looked up at the phone and she saw a tear rolling down my cheek.

"What's happened babe?"

"Nothing has happened Leigh. I just- I don't want to be here in France. I hate being alone, it makes me feel unsafe. Call it unresolved trauma if you will." You laugh nervously before carrying on. "I don't know why everyone I work with has such a negative opinion on me. There's more than just me on this trip but they don't like me. So they do things together and I'm left in my hotel room for the two weeks, writing up some article I could have easily done back home."

"Why didn't you say anything sooner babe?" Her gaze was still sympathetic.

"I- I didn't want to sound like a wimp. Or even a failure."

"Come home. Get the next flight and come straight home."

"What-? I can't just quit like that. He'll go mad!"

"If I tell you something that could quite possibly change your mind, would you do it?"

You gulp loudly, not knowing what words were going to come out of her mouth.

"I love you Y/N. Yes, we've not been dating long but before that... well, we were friends for years. I've loved you from day one."

"I... I love you too." You heart started to race, you could see your cheeks redden as you stuttered those three words. You hadn't realised till tonight that you really did love this girl with all of your being. "I love you Leigh-Anne."

"So come home, and we can take our situation to the next level. I want you baby. I've craved you for so long. I wanted to know how it felt to feel you on me, and just that little kiss on the cheek before you left drove me wild... so what d'uou say? Will you quit this awful job that's making you so unhappy and come back home? To me?"

"...Yes." You said numbly before realising that Leigh was helping you make all the right choices. She was showing you how to choose with your heart and not your head. "Yes, yes, yes." Tears filled your eyes. But this time, happy tears, relieved tears, excited tears. "I'll be back before you know it Le- baby."

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