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Summary: You get introduced to Alcinas Idiotic Brother Heisenberg and it is something different
TW: swearing

I was slumbering deep in my bed and was cuddled up in my blankets wich were keeping me warm and letting me sleep in peace.

Alcina got up early today but I didn't know why and I honestly don't care as long as I can sleep in. Of course I tried to wake up with her but unfortunately or rather fortunately, I fell asleep again straight away.

So now I was still sleeping in the bed while being cuddled up in many Blankets enjoying for once the Silence in the Castle wich sadly got interrupted. "Mother said we can wake her up as we please" I heard someone whisper while trying not to giggle.
"She didn't, she said we should let her sleep" protested a second voice.

"Then we just say that Mother allowed it? I don't think we would be in much Trouble" said a third Voice. "How about we wake her up lovingly this Time? The other Times were cruel, I mean Ice cubes or cold water or a screaming Maiden wich was bleeding out or the Rats or-" said the 2 voice.

"No Bela we will just use our Sickle and you are exaggerating way too much on how we previously woke her up!" "Cassandra Mother would never forgive us for that, it would maybe even kill her!" interjected Bela furiously.

Suddenly I felt a weight on me that was crushing me as I groaned. Startling up in surprise I took the Person off of me before turning them on their Back and holding a knife to their neck wich was under the Pillow.

Daniela was now below me grinning while her sisters looked at us puzzled. "Good morning Mom" she said and threw me down, hitting the Floor as I climbed up the Bed again trying to gather my Thoughts.

It was way to early and an way too disturbing awakening. "What's the matter with you and why did you wake me?" I asked while rubbing my Eyes while suddenly someone pushed the door open wich hit the wall with a loud sound.

I immediately threw my knife at the door while my body jumped in surprise, covering me quickly as I had a rather see trough Nightgown on."Thank you for greeting me with throwing a knife in my Direction, is that how you greet your brother-in-law? I am deeply hurt!" Said a Man who looked a bit homeless.

Does he know what water is because it sure doesn't seem like it, maybe I should make him familiar with a brush too. "I am known to be nice, and now go out! Asshole..." I whispered the end.

»HEISENBERG! Get out of the shared Bedroom of my Wide and me! You don't barge in on a Lady!" ordered a very angry Alcina as she stormed up the Stairs and toward us. "Shut up, you too big bitch!" He slammed our Door shut and suddenly hugged me tight.

"It's so good to have someone else instead of having this big shit as a Sister, she's honestly a Nightmare" he said kissing my cheek while the three Daughters looked disturbed at us.
Alcina came angry through the Door ripping it out of it hinges.

Poor door.

"Take your disgusting Man fingers away from my Wife you shit ass looking Thing of a Man" perplexed I looked at her while she used such a vulgar language. Most of the time she spoke with Respect and was modest while she was barely swearing.

"Oh please get your fat Ass to calm down if you can even hear me from this high Level of yours" he hissed and let go of me. "You mean ego you stupid Child" she growled while she then looked at me, her glare turning soft.

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