02 | 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧

Start from the beginning

"So daddy is gonna have a little discussion with Brittany okay? Do you want to wait in the living room or in your bedroom?" I stroke his hair lightly.

"I-i am waiting in the living room" he replied with glossy eyes. I kissed his cheek and picked him up to put him on my hip.

We enter the living room and I laid him on the couch with a blanket, in case if he gets cold. I put the TV on and turned to face him.

"I'm coming back okay, and then you come with me to work" I kissed his forehead and he replied with kissing my cheek. I love giving him kisses.

He smiles and nods. This smile. His smile. I'm addicted.

I go upstairs to my room and open the door roughly, that's the moment when I see her on the bed peacefully.

I make my way to the bed and I put my hand pressing around her throat.

"What the fuck" she screams. Good that he's in the living room. " What are you doing?!"

"Learning you a lesson. So why did you slap him!" I already knew the answer, but I wanna see what she's going to say.

"H-he said s-slut to m-me" she whispers.

"So you slapped my son, but you also dare to lie to me?!" I scream, I bet my face is red from anger. She don't even look at me in my eyes. Good.

I look straight in her eyes."Listen good, I want you gone. I'm going to my office with Jax, and when I come home, I don't want to see you"

"W-what do you mean?"

"Wasn't clear? I. Don't. Want. To. See. You. Again."

"My dad is going to kill you if he knows that you want to divorce her girl"

"I don't give any fuck about your dad, Brittany. Goodbye"

Going downstairs in the living room I see my little boy, sleeping on the couch.

I pick a blanket and wrap it around his little body, and pick him up.

Going out of my house I make my way to my car, I open the door and lay him on the car seat for kids. How do we name that thing?

I go to the driver's side and drive to my club where one of my offices is located.


I'm working while my brother is messing around with Jax, if he hadn't come he'd be asleep right now.

"Jax, baby you need to sleep, It's 3AM. Uncle Mat isn't going anywhere" I say, looking at my little kid.

"If he catches me first" He runs out of my office.

Looking at my brother I scream "Idiot! Go get him, I don't want him to run around the club!" He gets up and start looking for Jax.

After a few minutes I still don't see then getting in my office, and I'm kind of worried now.

Matteo burst into my office breathlessly.

"Where is Jax, Matteo?" I rise an eyebrow waiting for his answer.

"I still didn't find him" And this words got me angry.

"You pice of shit! You lost him?! What if someone from another mafia got him?!" I scream, making him nervous.

At the moment that he wanted to reply, I stopped him with rising my hand.

"I hear someone talking behind my door" I whisper.

" Are you sure that your dad is in here?" I hear a female voice.

"Yes" I hear Jax's little voice whining.

Matteo opens the door, and I see Jax getting in.

"You're probably his dad right?" She didn't even wait for a reply and she continues what she wants to say " you shouldn't take a little kid to a club, he should be home and sleeping. Bring him home before he goes to the club and someone takes him" she says sternly.

Matteo nods and close the door, reveling his red face.

"She was scary" he mumbles.

"But she was right, Imbecille. Jax go back to bed and sleep" I say and look back to my computer.

I hear my phone go off and pick it up.

"Hello, am I on the line with Damian Romano?"

"Yes, who are you?" This annoys me already.

"You are on the line with officer Greene, your wife Mrs. Brittany Romano has died in a car accident" Oh okay, one less problem.

"Okay, thank you. I come get her body in a week at the morge of Manhattan" And I cut off the line.

I see Jax in front of me with his brows furrowed. "What's wrong, daddy?" He asks and puts himself on my lap.

"Jax, mommy died" I say looking for any sadness, but there's not.

He looks at me questioningly.
"Mommy Brittany?"

Oh I forgot, he never called her mom just Brittany.

", Brittany"

"Quindi avrò una nuova mamma?" His Italian is so cute.

[ translation: so I get a new mom?]

" Non lo so amico, ma un giorno forse" I respond at his question.

[ translation: I don't know buddy, but one day maybe ]

"Matt can you get him home? And stay with him till I'm home" He nods and gets Jax with him.


It's 4AM now and I think I'm gonna get a drink downstairs in the club.

Drinking my whiskey I look around the club, and my eyes land on her.

She's breathtaking.

She turns and makes her way to the bar. I make my way over to her and sit on the chair next to her.

"Buona sera, cara. What's your name?" I ask her, looking at that killer body she got.

"Give me a reason to tell you my name" her voice is sweet and melodic.

I move closer to her and whisper in her ear " So that I know what name to shout when I cum inside you"


So this is chapter two guys and I hope you like it so far.

And sorry for the late update

I also waned to say that I'm really busy so I don't know when chapter three is coming

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