Chapter 2

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*Cate's view*
I realised that y/n  was the perfect person for this role and we share the same humor.

"So if you dont wanna let go of my hand honey you can come with me and the  kids to go to the park so i have someone to talk to because Andrew is gone this week for private reasons"  I teased her and smirked.

"Uhm of course, we could meet in the park because i have to get dressed" her face turned red but she tried to hide it.

"So than see you at 14 at the ... park, a driver will come and pick you up in 30 minutes"

"Thats really not necessary cate I can drive by mys-"

I cut her off "Oh shush thats no problem"
she nodded and closed the door.

I walked to my car thinking of how cute she is and how nervous she is around me I liked that I could tease her and I know it will be fun to film with her. I hope Andrew is not there when I come.

*why andrew is gone*
Andrew was abusive and always drunk around Cate so she wanted a divorce but he still can see the kids every 2 weeks because he never was abusive with them.

When I arrived I couldnt see his car I was relieved. When I came in Edith runned to me in tears.

"Edith are you okay what  happened baby"

Dashiell came and explained
"Mum dad just hit our nanny jenni he was drunk, we already called an ambulance  but we didnt know if we should call the police"

"Omg im so sorry you had to see this kids dashiell pls go to the livingroom with the kids I will handle it from here on thank you" I went into the kitchen and had to hold back tears i cant believe he did this why? and why infront of the kids?

"Omg jenni im so sorry are you okay?" I said while touching her face.

"Yes its not that bad he just hit on the face and in my stomach i told the kids i dont need an ambulance" she said trying to smile.

"Yes you need one and im calling the police this is enough he is not allowed to see the kids anymore." I almost screamed angry.

A unknown number called me. It must be Y/N i thought and it was.

"Hey I am normally not inpatient but it has been 45 minutes and no driver arrived yet "

"Omg im so sorry y/n i forgot we cant I mean I- the kids- uhm" I couldnt hold my tears

"Cate are you okay I mean I dont have to co-"

"No its- can I trust you i realy need someone right now"

"Yes of course"

"I will send you my adress please be here and wait outside the house for the ambulance"

"Cate are you hurt?"

"No im okay i promise just- please"

"Of course i will  be there asap"

*y/n view*

She texted me the address. I got my keys and ran to the car i didnt know what was going on but it was serious i never heard CATE BLANCHETT cry. I drove faster than i should luckily no police. I was now outside the house the very big gates were open but I couldnt even look at her beautiful house because the ambulance came at the same time. They asked me what happened.

"I dont know i just arrived and I should wait for you"
They had security with them obviously i mean its Cate blanchett.

"Mam we need you to wait here you are not related to cate Blanchett right?"

"No but she asked me to be here really" i said with tears in my eyes I just wanted to know if she is okay. The bodyguards were holding me back luckily cate looked out the door after the doctors went in.

"She can come in" she said and the bodyguards let go of me I ran towards her asking if she was okay she just hugged me in silence and whispered to my ear.

"Thank you I will explain later but could you please stay with the kids i have to go to the police station."

"Yes everything for you" i could of just said yes but it just came out of my mouth she lead me to were the kids were and then leaved.

"Hello im y/n"

"Hi im dashiell, this is edith, that is roman and thats Ignatius" he introduced everyone

"Your mom told me to look after you while she is at the police station"

Dashiell nodded we all sat there in quiet edith in my arms and waited for cate.

*so i wanted to bring a bit action i hope you like it.*

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