Scott went outside, greeting by Allison, Lydia and a pissed Reese.

   "This place is full of shit." Reese muttered, glaring at the people dancing inside the house. "You guys might speed up, I'm not supposed to be here" Reese said slightly tired.

   They started talking about the marks, Reese didn't pay attention.

She was feeling something bad again. She focused on the feeling of warning that keep turning her stomach upside down.


   "Where's Stiles?" She said out loud but her voice seems distant. Like it wasn't her who was talking but more one of the many voices in her head. But it was the exact same sound of her voice.

Everybody stopped talking and glance at Scott. He said that he hadn't leave the party yet.

Reese absently nodded her head and headed toward the party and ran toward the crystal shattered's sounds.

She stopped and was now at the door of a wine cellar.

Her feet seem to move by themselves, she glances up at a small window only to see two icy white eyes staring back at her.

Reese lift her hand, sage green mist slowly coming out of her hand.

Dara- The voice started to say but suddenly stopped.

As the mist went toward the creature, a warm hand touch her shoulder, making snap out of her trans stage.

She turns around and meet the honey colored eyes of Stiles.

She glanced around her and saw that not crystal were broken or something like that.

"Reese?" Stiles waved a hand in front of her face. "You okay?"

Reese blinked a few times and responded, "Yeah, I just thought I saw something." She looked through the window but the icy eyes were gone. "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" Stiles asked worriedly.

The brunette girl tilted her head to the side. "Are you going to answer all my questions by another question? It's freaking annoying." She crossed her arms over her chest.

   Stiles only rolled his eyes and took her arm gently "Let's get out of here. It's too creepy here,"

Reese exhaled a breath in relief. She didn't show it but she was happy her feeling was not about him.

   He proposed her to get her home, she said yes. She couldn't speak or anything, too shocked about what happened. But what exactly happened?

Installed in Stiles' Jeep, Reese decided to call Lydia to tell her she was safe and with Stiles. Long minutes went by before she hung up.

Having no want to break the silence, Stiles asked, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah," she looked at him and smiled. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Without Warning  ✺  S.S जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें