Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I sat in the waiting room, tapping my foot anxiously. Aiden rubbed my back gently, trying his best to calm me and make sure that he was here for me. It did help a bit, but until I knew that everyone was okay, I couldn't sit still. It's almost three in the morning. What the fuck is taking so long?

Dad and Justin sat off to the side beside us. Dad kept rubbing his forehead, staring at the ground. Justin had his arms crossed over his chest, with an angry look. I didn't blame him. I was just as pissed.

Aiden's dad, Derek were on the other side of us. His mother was called in for a neuro consult for a trauma patient that just came in and Derek came for moral support and because I was now someone they cared about. I was grateful for them. They accepted me as their son's girlfriend and treated me like I was their own daughter. I remember Aiden telling me last month that Lauren wanted to spend a girls day with me, Ariana and Alexa whenever we're available and when Ariana is home.

That is, if Alexa survives.

Courtney's mother and father were at the end chairs close to the doors where surgery was. He then took her hand and she took it and gripped it tightly. I knew that they still had their differences with each other, especially now that their divorce was finalized, but when they both arrived, they agreed that they would put aside their problems and only worry about their daughter. Which is what they should do. I mean, I'm no parent, but I would put my kid first before anything. So I respected that they were putting Courtney first.

The doors pushed open and three nurses and the two main surgeons appeared in front of us, including Lauren, who wore black scrubs with blue paper dressing covering them. Ahh. She must've been in surgery. Dad and Justin stood up, followed by Derek, and then Aiden and I.

"How are they?" Courtney's mother asked, standing up with her ex husband.

The one female surgeon sighed. "Both your daughters survived." she answered, acknowledging Courtney's family and mine. Thank fucking god. Dad sighed of relief, taking a seat again with his head in his hands and so did Justin. Courtney's parents embraced in a hug and Derek smiled happily. "Alexa suffered some trauma to her head, but after checking her CT scans, she only has a small concussion. Courtney suffered severe trauma to her ribs, head and had a gunshot wound to the leg, but both her and Alexa are stable. They're asleep at the moment, but you guys are more than welcome to see them both whenever you're ready." Courtney's mom thanked her before she and Courtney's dad followed a nurse the opposite way to the ICU.

"Wait. What about he other two?" Aiden asked. "The other girl and the sensei?"

She glanced at Lauren, who looked down before she glanced back up at us. "You guys probably already heard that I was paged in for an emergency neuro consult. Well, it was for Mr. Cole, Alexa's and Ricki's teacher and for Courtney. Unfortunately, after getting an emergent head CT, Mr. Cole suffered a severe head trauma that caused internal bleeding in the brain, most likely as a result from his head being smashed in, as well as two gunshot wounds to the abdomen. The other girl, Ricki Taylor, suffered from a gunshot wound to the shoulder and multiple stab wounds, which were life threatening." Oh no. That isn't good.

"We took them into surgery but it was too late. We've already contacted their families and the police department with the news and they're—"

"They didn't make it?" I cut them off, finishing their sentences. All three looked at each other before nodding their heads slowly.

I gasped. "Fuck..." I slowly sat down, gripping the chairs. I started to panic, my breathing starting to become louder and louder. Mr. Cole. I didn't know him well enough, but he did teach me a few things about defence before I was locked up. Ricki, however...she was Alexa's classmate from her elementary school. They've known each other since pre school apparently. Probably one of the closest friends Alexa has ever had. And Ricki was...dead. That's going to destroy Alexa.

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