The lights turned on when the professor finished teaching about the first couturier. Some students had to shake their heads to wake themselves up. A few were stretching while others were instantly on their phones. You were taking your time to pack up your things when the other girls stood up. They stayed close to you and waited for you to finish up. Smiling up at them, you made sure to pick up the pace a little. They were still yawning from the lecture while you felt inspired to make your own label to put in your clothes. What would it look like? This was so exciting!

"I don't know why I bother showing up when he just reads directly off the slides and from the textbook." One girl groaned.

"I fell asleep."

"Well, you didn't miss anything if you already checked the PowerPoint."

"I thought it was fun." You shrugged. The other girls became quiet to look at you in surprise. You figured if they were sharing their opinion then you could too. Just a little odd how they were acting stunned. "I mean, our professor could have a little more personality but what he's teaching is interesting. I just love how you can tell the time period from the fashion alone. It's crazy to think how easily ignored the clothes we wear is when it's always symbolized someone's status, our time period, or political climate. Literally, fashion is everywhere! I'm actually so happy to be taking this class!" You squealed while they stared at you with big eyes.

"Huh...yeah, I think the class is interesting too! Don't get me wrong!"

"Yeah, it's totally fun!"


Their opinions changed dramatically. Oh? You kept smiling at them despite being aware of how the atmosphere changed. Hearing what you had to say suddenly made them switch. Why's that? To be honest, it frustrated you when people couldn't form their own opinion. This was only reminding you of the girls from high school. Everything that ever came out of their mouth was in order to make you happy. They would always attempt to please you even though you couldn't care less. If they didn't like oranges and you said you did then they would begin to lie. That's how it always went even though it didn't matter to you. Having them pretend to share the same thoughts as you didn't make you like them any better.

Were these girls the same?

You continued to walk with them, acknowledging that you were doing the thing. The fake smile. Great. Was this just going to be a rare occurrence or could these girls actually not think for themselves? Well, you would have to wait to find that out. Hopefully this wasn't history repeating itself. You kept the forced smile up as they continued to walk. None of them could tell the difference. They were talking about a runway show you haven't watched yet so you stayed quiet. You'll probably watch it when you get home. You weren't really focusing on the girls or what was around you.

Lost in your mind, you didn't even realize someone had approached you and the group of girls around you. They stopped talking when they realized this person had intentionally come up to them. You were about to continue walking until you noticed someone was in front of you. Blinking rapidly, you shook yourself out of your dazed state to see the familiar face. Hoseok smiled at you and chuckled by your reaction. What was he doing? The stiff smile on your face melted into a warm welcoming one to see that it was him. He held up a white bag in his hand, shaking it lightly in front of you.

"I cleaned it carefully with the help of my Eomma. We got all the stains out." Hoseok placed the bag in your hands.

"Oh my gosh!" You happily took a peek in the bag. Putting your hand inside, you took a look at the fabric to see not a single ounce of green. Relieved, you looked at Hoseok with the largest grin you've ever had. You couldn't explain how thankful you were! Bouncing in your heels, you quickly wrapped your arms around his shoulders to hug him tightly. "Thank you so much, Hoseok! You're the best!"

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