I survived

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This was a story that I wrote in fifth grade for a school project. It's actually pretty long compared to my other works from this time.

 I Survived

Written By: SabrinaCole5280/Sabrina Cole

I sprinted all the way to the bus stop after school 'cause my best friend Donna dared me to, Danna and I had been best friends since our parents gave birth to us two weeks apart. Our mom's had met in college and had instantly became inseparable. They found our dad's and a couple years after they got married they gave birth to Donna Kate Westton and two weeks later, Olive Gloria Dassers. We were raised almost like sisters. By the time I got to the Bus Stop I was panting and wheezing. I was really out of breath. Donna caught up to me and stood with me until I caught my breath and then we built rock formations until the bus showed up. We both loaded onto the bus and we sat right across from Chris Berry and Jeremy Larou. Donna and I both had crushes on Chris Berry, we had met Chris and Jeremy in kindergarten and they would chase us around at recess and tease us when the teacher wasn't listening. We were both super annoyed by it so we talked to one of the fifth graders after school, she was our friend Sarah's sister. She told us that they probably had crushes on us, "They tease you because they like you." She explained to us. From then on whenever they chased or teased us we just giggled and ran away. We got off the bus and walked down our street. Our neighbors were outside taking down their porch swings and taking in their milk boxes. Donna and I both knew why. A hurricane was coming our way, although they hadn't named it yet. We were prey to the storm because we lived a few miles away from the nearest beach. That worried me a lot. My family and I live right next to Donna's family in a "hurricane-proof house" . I have a hard time believing that it is safe.

Sgt. Peters (a.k.a. my step-father) said that we were moving here a year ago after the last hurricane hit. I am still not convinced that this house is hurricane proof, but Peters says he spent around a lot of money on it. My dad died whe I was six from stage five prostate cancer. Mom had met Samuel Peters when I was ten and they got married when I was twelve. I call Samuel Sgt. Peters because suggested to my mother that we should move into our grandma's house in Iowa 'til the hurricane was over, but she said that Peters spent good money on the house and that we were staying. I was still a little anxious. My mother recognized this and she answered me, "Olive, we are safe. Don't worry." I still had a hard time calming down. I leaped over to the desk in my room and did half of my homework packet for the night until Peters called me down to the dinner table. We all sat around the table and started to eat. I was not pleased with our spinach stew so I was scooping it up in my spoon and plopping it right back down in the middle of my bowl. I guess my mom thought I was still worrying because she turned to Sgt. Peters said, "Dear, please explain to Olive all of the hurricane proof features of this house. She is worried about the storm ... a little too worried I'd say." Sgt. Peters turned to me and he started talking, "First of all, the walls, floors, and ceilings are made from cement. They are all reinforced with titanium and the doors are made of a thick metal." I replied,"Thanks Sgt. Peters." Then I turned to my older brother Marty who was sitting across from me and I asked him to pass the dinner rolls. I guess Peters was still thinking about what I said because he looked at me and sighed. He said, "Olive, I am your father you can call me dad." I was quick to respond, "Okay! Thanks Sgt. Peters."

The wind blew through the trees in our front yard and our cat Mittens crawled up on my lap. The storm was traumatizing and I could hear the wind howl outside. The rain started to drip, then sprinkle, and then pour! "This is the start of the storm," said Marty. I could almost taste the wind as it swept past our house. Sgt. Peters told me and Marty that we were to stay in our rooms for the rest of the night. I asked why and he almost shouted, "Because I said so!" I sprinted up to my room and got ready for bed. I sat at my desk and rushed to finish the rest of my homework.

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