Fly away

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So I really thought that when I first started writing/reading this it was going to be a re-try of Flying shoes. but as your get to the end, you'll see that that isn't the case. I'm not even sure where I was going with this, It's so out of the blue.

Fly Away

By Dakmazs/S.J. Falcon

"Lillian!!!" No answer. "Lillian!!!!" It was louder this time. I'd better say something. Uhhhhh! Why can't she just leave me alone for once? Fine. "Lillian!!!!" aaaaaaahhhhhhh! "Ok ok i'm coming. Why don't you just come up?" "you know I can't come up that ladder." true, she did know that, but she was sick of being called so much. Lily was sure her name was tired of it too. Lily trudged down the ladder, feeling it creek below her.

Lillian Garcia lived in a small house on the edge of a cliff overlooking the pacific ocean. It was her older sister May that had called, and it was May that was driving Lily crazy.

"Hurry up, I can't keep the doctor waiting." may was always trying to run the household.

Lillian's parents had sent May away at the age of 21. May had found a husband and bought this small house in the outskirts Manhattan. After May got divorced, Lily's parents had sent her here to live with May. but may no longer work. May looked as if she had just eaten a whale (or so Lily thought). In truth, May was 8 months pregnant. Lily didn't know what aggravated her more, that she had to get a job, or that she would have to get another job to pay the hospital bills until may recover.

"We're going to be late thanks to you." May snapped. Lily cringed. As much as lily loathed working, she still loved may. To hear may be harsh with her made Lily's insides turned cold.

They stood there awkwardly until Lily realized that may was waiting on her. She looked down and saw herself. Her hair was messed up and she was still in her pjs.

Mornings were rough for lily, when she lived in chicago she had to get up at 4 am to get to school on time. Now it seems she had constant jet lag. She slept in till 10 am most mornings.

Lily ran upstairs and hurriedly took off her pajamas. Ohhhhh Mays gonna be so mad. She thought. Oh dear oh dear oh dear. She grabbed a hair brush and creaked down the ladder, throwing on a skirt as she did so. She pulled on a shirt resizing too late that she had done it all right in front of her sister's eyes.

May giggled uncontrollably until Lily told her to stop and that it wasn't funny. Lily looked at the ladder and for the first time noticed that it had markings in it. They looked like letters, Lily twisted up her face to try and read them, but no sooner had she started, then may started laughing again. "Your face." she couldn't stop laughing. "What were you doing?" lily decided to keep the strange lettering a secret. "Nothing." If may had seen them, then she would've told lily, after all, lily was the one that slept in the loft. Lily turned briskly toward the door and told may to follow.

Chapter 2

In Which a girl goes to fairyland.

Since may couldn't drive, (and neither could lily) lily flagged a taxi. May was not wealthy, so they used lily's savings to pay for transportation. Lily was never happy about this, but she knew that it was necessary to get May to the doctor. 

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