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My lovely readers.

Hey everyone, I..... am your dear author, as you have already readed, this isn't a chapter. I just wanted to take a moment to look back, with you guys, and enjoy the memories we have together. I don't really remember if I ever said this to you guys, and even if I did, I need to say it again. I Love you guys. So fucking alot, it hurts. Your comments pull the strings of my heart, and make my heart thud in my chest. I still pretty much remember the first day I started this book. I was nervous as hell. The feeling, you get when you want the review if you are doing good? Insecurities? Yupp, that was what I felt. But now that we have crossed a whole of and more that 1k reads, I feel the need to tell you guys, how much it means to me. How much YOU mean to me. Because you mean the world. MY world to me. I still remember the happiness I felt when I got a comment, the smile so wide, I felt my cheeks hurt. But the smile was never fake. I remember the enthusiasm, I wrote with, when I got my first vote. And I remember the love you guys showered me with, and still do. And then I feel what I did to deserve such a love?
Nobody, and I mean NOBODY was ever as loyal as you guys are to me. Nor did I care about anyone as much as I do about you. Except BTS ofcourse. For you guys I write, and I write and write and write, till I feel my eyes straining and my hands hurting from typing. But still I like it, because YOU like it. I wouldn't have been here, had you not been. Why? Because its way too easy to loose hope, but still you keep it alive. Reading your lovely comments I feel so emotional, I might actually shed a few tears. Right now sitting while writing this I don't know what to say, because words are to lame, to describe what I feel. So I would like to say the words that maybe small but hold a big meaning if said with the right emotions. THANK YOU READERS, AND I LOVE YOU 😭😭😭.
okay, welp I got too emotional now, please do not cry stay safe, stay healthy, drink water AND DO NOT GO OUT!!!! I love you guys so please stay safe, if not for yourself then for me, because it will rip me apart if you guys get hurt. I love you.
P.s: study still, or Namjoon's gonna shave your eyebrows, and you are gonna look like him👉😶
... yours truly
Author nim.

Hey guys I also want you to read my best friend's book too it's really very interesting I hope you will like it..


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