Extra: Our Home

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Here is a little 'fluff piece' for this occasion.


Lan Xichen knew his uncle was regretting his decision to marry him off so soon. Reason? He had suggested handing over the Sect Leader mantle to his brother over a period of time until Lan Shizui or Lan Jingyi were capable enough. Lan Xichen had been smart about it and only suggested it once the invitations were sent out.

Right now, standing in anticipation for his groom to walk, his heart felt full to see the life he had never imagined he could have within reach. He was on the verge and the sight of Wanyin entering opposite him in red groom robes pushed him over. He saw a small scrunch in between Wanyin's brows and knew a 'stop crying' was coming. He was surprised by the words that did come out,

"You are planning to cry worth both of us?" The tone, though, was not far from' stop crying'. Somewhere behind them Master Wei laughed and Lan Huan couldn't help feel his face heat up and realised Wanyin's attempt to lighten his heart in his own dry humour way.

These quips where a new development in their relationship when Lan Xichen had given up one day and flew to Yunmeng at night to break the three-month ban. He had been back in the morning. He had done so frequently after that first time. Turned out his uncle sent a letter to Wanyin about traditions and Wanyin threatened him to push back the wedding if he came back. There was no real sternness in his voice and Lan Xichen had NOT listened. He did go back. Less frequently.

With the same full heart that kept being less and less stern with him when it was just the two of them and the heart that respected his elders wishes when he did not, with the heart that knew Wanyin's love lied in thinking ahead for them both when he was clearly neglecting to do so and with the heart that was protected by the other, he bowed three times and concluded the marriage with the his headband on Wanyin's wrist.

The surprise came when Wanyin produces a ribbon of his own. The very one given by him all those years ago with a small addition of the GuSu Sigel of the clouds in the middle and tied it for him.

He couldn't listen to the many bouts of congratulations that flooded them. As Sect Leaders, they bowed and smiled and could see the general buzz that came with the marriage of two sect leaders.

As they start to exit from the doors, it was late night and the exhaustion on Wanyin made him falter with his next plan. As Wanyin fell in step with him, letting him take the lead of where they were to go, he climbed on Shuoyue and saw Wanyin stand on Sandu in mid-air looking puzzled.

Only when they are entering their home did Wanyin in the red groom's garb still called over the wind, "Lan Huan. Why are we going to Yunmeng?"

Only when they landed did he answer back, "For my present to you."

Before Wanyin could ask more, he led a murmuring grumbling Wanyin to his room and opened the door asking his husband to go in first. It wasn't a visible change at first. But when Wanyin began to see it, he turned around with wide eyes and an uncertain gaze.

"What? Why? I mean, who moved your things in my room?"

"It doesn't matter. The matter is that they are here."

"Yes, everything is here. Everything! WHY is everything here?" Wanyin voice was sharper, his face scrunched up and eyes wandering the room.

"Because Lotus Pier is my home now."

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