11. An Ending

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13 years later

Jiang Cheng feels himself sweating all over, It had been years, he had made sure to stay away, never meet in a private setting. So much time had passed, Jiang Cheng looked sideways at his nephew as he tried to dispel his own nervousness at being a Gusu disciple. They were some of his best days before his life fell apart.

The jade token was inside his lapels, he had gotten used to carrying it around ever since that day but he dare not cross the barrier with it. Instead he waited for Jin Ling to produce the invitation and produced his own for Jiang disciples before the guards let them pass with his own token pressed against the protection surrounding Gusu.

The air was cold. He had not been here in such a long time and yet nothing had changed. He had plucked his courage after the last failed blind date.

"Fix your temperament. The problem is not with me, Sect Leader Jiang, the problem is with you. You already have someone in your life and trying to find her in me is not the solution."

He had liked her honesty but her temperament would never match with his own. He had stopped trying after that. Now he was here, he wanted to turn back around, as their last private encounter was too shameful for him to face. The only solace was that it meant nothing to Sect Leader Lan and could only hope that his composure and mild manner was enough to let that slide. He had kept himself away from the man at any social gathering, seeing him with Chief Yao had helped in that resolve.

Thinking for that face, wide eyed smile of Jin Guangyao had him scowling again. They were in front of the Elder Hall again. He let the image go in order to meet the man with some composure.

The doors opened and he walked in with everyone.

"Master Lan. Sect Leader Lan." he gave his courtesy one by one.

"You look good, Sect Leader Jiang. Jing Ling had grown well." He bowed again, "you falter me."

Soon, the disciples and Jin Ling were lead away and he had to sit down face to face with Sect Leader Lan. After a few exchanges of pleasantries, sect trade, new trades and night hunts discussions, another disciple came in to ask for Master Lan's presence among other elders. Now, Jiang Cheng was truly at a loss.

The memory of their last encounter jumped back at him. It was such a dark phase in his life. He would forever be thankful to his saviour. He was perfectly content to sit in uncomfortable awkward silence instead of finding an awkward conversation that gave rise to more tension in his body. But Sect Leader Lan was not.

He broke the silence first, "How have you been Wanyin?"

That name again. Jiang Cheng realised it was reserved for the privacies when it was just the two of them.

"I didn't kill myself, did I?" He wanted to say he had been well, but he couldn't. Another silence ensued.

"It is not enough." Jiang Cheng finally looked at the man who was looking back at him, ever steady gaze. His heart did skip a little but he was better now, he could hold a conversation surely. Did this man really consider me a friend? He had saved me time and time again, even if he didn't feel the same, this was good for Jiang Cheng. He could strive to be cordial with ZeWu Jun.

"I have been well. Having Jin Ling helped a lot. I never got to thank you properly for saving my life."

"It is what I must do." he was smiling now. For the first time, Jiang Cheng felt like returning the gesture. Truthfully, it was that radiant smile like a morning sun over the clouds that made him smile in response.

"I am glad to see you are doing better Wanyin. I did think you were doing better whenever we saw each other at Koi tower. I am glad to be able to be of use to you as a friend." Jiang Cheng felt good to be able to hold a conversation without any pain. Well, a little bit but completely bearable. He could really begin to see this man as a friend. It seemed reasonable.

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