14. Another Night Hunt

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Lan Xichen was quite disturbed. He had often noticed the look in Meng Yao's eyes. He had pushed it away and kept it at bay for a long time. When it came to being sworn brothers, he felt relaxed because he was sure Meng Yao would not agree to it if he had other thoughts, but now he wasn't so sure. He couldn't wait to see Wangji to get his opinion.

He was to visit today, an additional guqin was already brought in for them to play together. He set his hands over the string after a long time and felt the slight push in his finger tips as he strum the strings. His skills were corroding, out of practise.

"Brother." Listening to the greeting ZeWu Jun looked up but all his eagerness had washed away seeing his brother. After half a day of playing together and getting more in sync with every other melody, he found some courage.

"Wangji. I want your opinion on something." Lan Wangji paused and looked at his brother.

ZeWu eyes turned sharp to gauge his brother's reaction even though he would speak the truth.

"What do you think was the relationship between me and Meng Yao?" He couldn't bring himself to say, or even think of the word A'Yao without some embarrassment.

Lan Wangji's reaction told him all, his eyes widened slightly before he looked down at his guqin and his ears tinged pink. Lan Xichen thought Wanyin's words had been heavy but Wangji's silent confirmation added to the weight. Wangji slowly spoke.

"Why does brother ask?"

"Sect Leader Jiang thinks Meng Yao's death had been hard for me because I considered him my partner." Lan Xichen saw his brother struggling with two question as his eyes widened at the Jiang name and them more at the last word.

"Did you not?" knowing that this was the question he chose to ask of the two confirmed it to Lan Xichen of what Wangji thought of their relationship.


Wangji seems to be struggling with something once again.

"Then, his proposal gift..."

"What? What proposal gift?" Lan Xichen was baffled.

"The ornate box that fell from your sleeve. The one I was to place in your room." Lan Xichen really didn't understand. It took him a really long time to jog his memory even though it wasn't usually bad. Something else seem to unveil in his mind.

He asked carefully, "Who told you that it was a proposal gift?"

"Jin Guang Yao."

"I can't seem to find it in my room later, do you know where it is?"

He seemed to hesitated then shook his head. Lan Xichen let it be. He never saw it in his room and never again after that day. If Meng Yao knew about the gif, did it disappearance have something to do with him as well. When the exchange happened, there was no one but one disciple that came to fetch them. How could Meng Yao possibly know?

There was no point in thinking about it now, what was done was done.

"Was it important?"

"Yes." Lan Xichen couldn't lie but he wished his brother wouldn't ask the next obvious thing or he'd have to decline to answer. He didn't.

"Can you ask uncle to visit? I want to get his opinion on the matter as well."

"He thinks the relationship was ambiguous but he approved of Jin Guangyao back then."

Lan Xichen didn't know he could be any more shocked than he already was. He was really past the point of taking it anymore.

"Does everyone thinks the same?" Lan Xichen asked in surprise to which Lan Wangji added with a usual sip of the tea.

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