12. A Shift

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Jiang Cheng stood at the bottom of the hill and placed a hand on his chest, where the jade token sat, anticipating to be used for the first time. Why was he doing this? He asked himself over and over again and answered his own question every time.

"He was there for me at the worst time in my life, I am just returning the favour." he repeated out aloud countless times. He climbed his sword once again and flew over and into cloud recess, pressing the token into the air until he was over Cloud Recess.

"Just returning the favour." he lowered himself in the courtyard he remembered being flogged in. He scowled at the memory and processed to go meet Elder Lan. He paused as the disciples announced his arrival and entered to see Jin Ling had been called in.

"Uncle. Why are you here?"

"Should I leave?" Jiang Cheng lips curved down sarcastically. Why did his nephew have to take after his temperament of all people? He let it go and continued, "I am here to know your progress. How has Jin Ling been in terms of learning to be a sect leader?"

"He had made excellent progress. Takes after Sect Leader Jiang in a lot of ways. Really excels in archery." Jiang Cheng knew this. He taught Jing Ling himself, alongside the Jiang disciples. Maybe had been a little harder on his nephew than others.

He turned to his nephew who stood proudly and concealed a smile under a poker face, "You better do a good job or else..."

"You will break my legs, Yeah. I know." His knew was getting bolder and bolder every day. He glared at him for being disrespectful but truly just felt like laughing. He felt relieved that Jing Ling was getting over the death of his uncle Yao better than he thought he would.

It was months now and he had built up his courage to do what he is going to do next.

"If you want to go, you can. I have other matters to discuss with Grandmaster Lan." Jiang Cheng and his nephew both looked at Lan QiRen for permission and the man nodded.

After a minute of silence and sipping tea, Jiang Cheng spoke, "Grandmaster Lan. How is ZeWu Jun?"

"He will be better soon," he replied with composure as Jiang Cheng expected he would. He gritted his teeth. It was difficult for him to bear himself like this but he had to try.

"Grandmaster Lan, when Wei Wuxian died, I was going through something similar to ZeWu Jun back then. To have the one close to you die and be left behind with a sense of betrayal is difficult to overcome. I want to ask your permission to see him. I believe I might be able to help ZeWu Jun."

He resisted the urge to scowl at the sudden shudder that threatened to overcome him. After a long uncomfortable silence in which Jiang Cheng did his best not to fidget or frown, Lan Qiren spoke.

"What would you do that?"

"Would you believe if I said I am doing it out of goodwill?"

This time the pointed look did make him frown. He could expose that he was returning a favour for saving his own life and let Lan Qiren know about his shameful time all those years ago. Instead, he chose another route.

He produced the jade token from his lapels.

"How did Sect Leader Jiang come about it?"

"ZeWu Jun gave this to me."

"I wasn't under the impression that Sect Leader Jiang was close with my nephew." The implication in his tone was too much but Jiang Cheng bit his cheek to refrain from flipping the table. He was the one who chose to take this route.

"Not now. But many years ago when Jiang disciples visited Cloud Recess, we went to a few night hunts and developed a good relationship. After that, quite a few things happened and we were both involved in building our sects from the ground up. ZeWu Jun had been of great assistance and I would like to return the favour."

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